Losing faith in Apple?

MacLuv, there are freeware apps that will convert Mac fonts to PC fonts. I've used them to move many of the fonts I had on my PC to my mac and vice versa.
Also, if it is a commercial font set, many companies sell both versions. You should be able to get the PC versions at a very low cost, if not free.
MacLuv, I was mearly pointing out the fact that it can be done. I'm not sure what the photoshop reference is about. Graphic converter isn't even near the same league as GIMP... let alone Photoshop. Much of my work is done on photoshop as well. I was pointing out the fact that there is an application available to you for free.

The utility that I had at the time would batch convert. I started the convert before I went to bed and it was done the next morning. It only took 2 hr total, but that's beside the point. Out of about 2000 fonts I had 3 that didn't work.

You obviously found time to move them from one machine to another, I felt that if you did want to switch in the future you could find the time to convert them. I was purely pointing out your options if you felt so inclined.

Some of my font collections I got on CD, all I had to do was call the company up. Give them my info and they sent out the Mac collection rather than the PC that I already had. The freeware fonts were the ones that I converted.

I do know how easy it is to switch, I switched from the PC to the Mac a few years ago. If you've lost the info for your collections, I'm sorry I guess you would be in a bind then.

I'm sorry I tried to help
The few "let downs" at the last few Macworld events are showing and taking its toll on the community I feel. And the emphasis on Apple is on the switchers and not us old faithful.

I sometimes feel left out by Apple when they release new stuff. But taking into consideration how Jaguar has improved by life with iSync and Address Book and iCal, I still have my fair share of loyalty to them.

But they, on the other hand, has to, as mentioned in earlier posts, get their act together for faster running OS, faster machines? Hmmm... questionable, .Mac getting up to par since they have Akamai running fantastic bandwidth so there must be some serious problems here.

Like many of you here, the anticipation of reaching the studio and wanting to turn on the Mac is getting weaker and weaker, like how jaded Yoda must have felt. I am not sure why "the force" is getting weaker, but Jobs better get our fav fruit company together before the sith lords (PC) does more damage to them.

All the rumours are also not helping the Mac community.

I hope Apple have not forgotten to "Think Different".

I would have imagined that MacOSX's new font capabilities (e.g. Zapfino). I don't do design anymore, but I would have imagined that you'd find the new font capabilites of OSX pretty exciting.
Originally posted by Gedankenspiel
I am a die-hard Apple fan and even worked for Apple and some point in the late 90s. I grew up with LCII's, Performas and even until today have bought into just about every generation of Powerbooks Apple has released.

However, my passion and fascination with Apple products is starting to fade, and here is why:...
The thing that attracts me to Apple (and is starting to be "was" attracting me) is the fact that you could get features in Apple computers that you couldn't get as standard on a PC. Like for example:

1) Desktop/multimedia friendly UNIX
2) Gigabit ethernet
3) CD-RW/DVD-R Drives
4) built in WiFi
5) Bluetooth support
6) Hi Res flat panel display
7) Firewire
8) notebooks with large 15.2" and 14" screens
9) Elegantly designed notebooks (the TiBook,e.g.)

But that was a few months ago. There are now PC-based notebooks on the market that have CD-RW/DVD-R drives. By the end of this year, Microsoft will support bluetooth in XP for mice and keyboards. Flat panels for PC's are getting cheaper everyday. PC laptops now come in the 15.2" size. And there are Tablet PC's on the market. The Pentium 4 will be at 3GHz by the end of this year.

Apple needs to either get with the program and either innovate faster, i.e. come out with a tablet-based powerbook/ibook with built-in bluetooth and/or lower their prices significantly. It seems that Apple doesn't realize that there's been a big downturn in the PC industry and that everyone else has lowered their prices and bumped up performance to compete.
Ok! Some say that this post was about losing faith and then it became obvious that the problem of losing faith is because of speed of Apple's products, the price of them and innovation/revolution compared to products one can find on the Dark Side...

Well, I came to this conclusion: You DON'T know what you are talking about!

Losing faith? Maybe the correct question should be:
Are Apple's customers losing their mind?


Visit an Apple store and use the Dual Engine computers and then let me know if you find them slow compared to the so called Speed Demons of the Dark Side... Which I'm sure if one wants to be truthful, he/she will be blown away by their performance!

PCs have better number crunching capabilities? So big freaking BOO! That's DOESN'T matter because in the end it matters what the user is able to do with those capabilities and we all know that Windows get in user's face ALL the time...

PCs are cheaper than Macs? On what alternate reality? I told you to check those prices and YES even from Dull!

Also, about Apple controlling the hardware/software and so this is a BAD thing... BS... Total BS... Isn't the same thing with M$/Intel/Amd? If you think otherwise SOMETHING is ALL wrong with yourselves...

On the contrary Apple embraces MORE standards than M$ ever will... Hell: Macs can run Windows too!

Yes... I can see innovation and freedom on the PC world:
PS/2, COM, LPT, Floppy, USB, CRTs, Speaker, Jumpers, Switches, VGA, etc.

I think that most of you guys here, you really are, as Al Pacino said in one of his GREAT performances:

I do not know how many of you know this: But US of A in the past decades and now MORE than ever teaches people all over the world to accept things in general because they supposedly are No.1 and they try to convince that something is number one with benchmarks! In the end we all know that ANYTHING in this world is better than something else if we know what to make of it... If a person is stronger than me... Faster than me... Smarter than me... Does that make him/her a better person?

Get over your complexes and try to see the truth! I know... It's TOO hard! But in the end you may find that your iMac G3/500 isn't all that bad compared to that Dull 2.4 GHz just because Dull can browse faster, play faster, work faster... And if you call yourselves professionals and you want TOP performance in Photoshop, et al, give a shot to the Dual Engine stuff: They will NOT let you down...

As for me being Apple's addict: Why should I not be! I get products which let me DO my work the way I want to... NEVER let me down... Apps that DO NOT exist anywhere else... Unix capabilities... VERY cheap products! A Server product with awesome performance, UNLIMITED licenses, awesome expandability, etc. with just a few thousands of US$? Dual everything with SO little money? As for notebooks which supposedly offer the same stuff compared to PB, in the Dark Side? Make me laugh! Last time I checked, X, wasn't available! On the contrary a lost soul can have XP on PB... Call me addict, call me anything you like... In the end I'm doing things that you cannot possibly match on the Wintel wither you like to admit it or not... :D

I know, ignorance is bliss! So, why don't you thank yourselves for being ignorants?
Originally posted by solrac
There's sun in Canada, too?

Ok well, a better analogy would be....

There's sun in Bali and sun in Canada.
There's hot summer heat in Canada as well as Bali.
You can get a great tan in Canada or Bali.

The only thing Bali gives you that Canada doesn't, is the great surroundings, atmosphere, beauty, etc.

Apple needs to do more than offer the better looking system. They need to up the speed and lower cost. If you can get to Bali for the same price as Canada (or for just a little bit more).... then hell yeah who wouldn't go to Bali?

Well, that isn't really as good over here in Australia, seeing as it does cost like a quarter of the price to go to Bali rather than Canada ;)
Apple needs to move away from 32 bit. Screw the P4 and screw the G4. It needs to focus on the G5 or IBM Power 970, if those are not good enough then the AMD 64bit chip or Itanium2.

It's time to stop looking at the P4 as the answers to everything. We have a really kick butt OS and a GUI that surpasses anything I've seen on the PC and it is being held back by the dinky 32bit processors we have today.

I don't care what anyone thinks. You can slap Quartz on a P4 and it will still be hella slower than the Windows UI because Quartz uses PDF for 2D and OpenGL for 3D. PDF is slow. OpenGL needs a fast GPU like the GeForce 4 or Radeon.

That one technology alone is proof why we need to focus on 64bit technology. Sure it runs fine on a 32bit system and srue we could pump up the G4 to 5 Ghz in 10 years but why should we when 64 bit is around the corner.

I have not lost faith in Apple. They are thinking ahead of the ball game and thinking like a consumer. They design pretty boxes with sturdy technology. A nice OS with state of the art interface design (all be it incomplete because it's still work in progress as far as I can tell with the user experience).

Apple innovated by getting rid of the floppy. It innovated by moving away from ADB and Serial by adopting USB. It moved away from SCSI to Firewire. You still cannot find a good PC out there that does not have these legacy components that frankly, outside of the business world I would never use. Furthermore, inside the business world I've only used them to connect devices like my stupid ex employers Motorola phone WHICH SHOULD support USB or Bluetooth anyway. Not the dinky serial connector.

Have you tried to connect devices on XP? It's still not 100% plug and play. Most devices still need to be "shut down" properly from the OS before you can disconnect them and power them down yourself. Palm devices still have major issues via USB as well.

My only wish from Apple is that it had more enterprise friendly basic tools for disk management (like a defrag or better disk scanner) but that's abotu it. I like their consumer electronics ideas like the iPod. The digital hub marketing paradigm and the switch campaign.

I love being able to connect to my PC easier. I would love to see 2D performance sped up to the point that it is as fast as our PC counterparts. It has become smoother with Quartz Extreme but honestly that won't happen even with a 2.5 Ghz G4. It will only happen on 64bit. Still looks d@mn nice though.
Anyone runs hardcore processing work around here or merely downloading porn and stealing music?

Sorry for the sacarsm, but I have to point out the fact that in all the professional suites in my studio, you can never find a Wintel machine. Because to build a Wintel machine that would run like a Mac would cost me three times the price... and it will still throw a tantrum once every three months, usually on important clients' projects.

Sorry if I am PC bashing again. I have tried to give Wintel machines a chance again, and it only comes back to me like a unrepentent fool.

After many dollars going down the drain and being a fool too many times listening to "IT Professionals who knows how to build the ultimate system", I came back to the Apple platform and embrace it like the good child I neglected.

I have had a Alienware system for gaming once... and I thought this would be the ultimate gaming console since it cost me more than US$5000 to assemble every butt kicking parts you can think of... now it is sold and I regret everyday that I have been made fool thinking Britney Spears would give me the time of day if I only have to go to her concert and see her backstage.

In summary. Mac just works. I am sorry, Mr Jobs. You have a better system and I took you for granted before. I am back to the orchard to pick my apples again. Lemons are just not as tasty. Wintel machines roll out too many lemons. Apple is still my favourite fruit company.

Sorry for PC bashing. I had spent more than $50k to learn my lesson. And $5k to get a dual 1G machine to rectify and keep my clients happy. And thank God they came back.
Originally posted by MacLuv
Actually, I'd like to thank you for proving that Apple is indeed a cult and people like yourself would gladly drink the koolaid if Steve Jobs gave the go-ahead... you better keep your eye's in the sky, huuuulk becuase theres a UFO-shaped airport base station flying in the tail of Hayley's comet and it has your name on it.

Attention world: APPLE IS NOT A RELIGION.


To your mumbo-jumbo-voodoo you tried to post I simply say:
You DIDN'T use a Dual Mac or a Dual Wintel. I did and I know what kind of dust the PC eats...

And to conclude: What is your religion? M$ in one hand and Intel/Amd at the other? And above your head is Dell? That's your holy Trinity?

As for prices OBVIOUSLY you didn't check Dull's online store and compare it to Apple's online store, now, did you? Hmm, something tells me that ACTUALLY you DIDN'T...

Give my best regards to your uncle Bill, or is he YOUR God? :D
Hulkaros, you're wrong.

The new high end Macs - the dual ghz and 1.25ghz, are nowhere near as powerful as PCs running AMD2200XP+ or P4 2.8ghz, which are the the top or near the top of the PC CPU heap.

It really bothers me that this is true, but true it is. My home grown AMD 2200 XP w/ 512MB runs circles around my G4/800DP w/ 1.5GB of RAM on just about every application. Photoshop launches on the PC in about 3 seconds, where on the G4 its at least 15 - this with 3X the amount of RAM.

Couple this with painfully slow web browsing, flash playback, diminished value (having to pay for .Mac), and Apple is losing face in several areas.

BTW - that AMD PC I built cost me $750. My G4/800DP cost me $3499.

Apple still retains an "ease of use" edge, but that edge shrinks every year, and now with OS X the standard, and WindowsXP, Windows isn't nearly as hard to use as it used to be. It still doesn't do basic stuff like Plug N Play as good as a Mac, but you've got a broader support of more peripherals than on the Mac, so it's almost a wash....

I love my Macs (so don't try to paint me as an Apple basher), and still admire Apple as a company, but they have been doing more wrong than right lately, and I hope they correct it soon.
editor's note - if your post in this thread is missing or changed, then perhaps you should go back and reread the site rules. these include things like no profanity, no name calling or threats, and no sexual references. Either people in this thread start playing nice or it will be promptly closed.

'nuff said.