Losing faith in Apple?

You suck.

You deleted my entire post, as well as MacLuv's reply to Hulkaros' post.

I spent some time writing that and now this thread is missing two big chunks. I just wasted my time here.

I wonder if I'll post here again.
Originally posted by serpicolugnut
Hulkaros, you're wrong.

The new high end Macs - the dual ghz and 1.25ghz, are nowhere near as powerful as PCs running AMD2200XP+ or P4 2.8ghz, which are the the top or near the top of the PC CPU heap.

Try to find a new Dual with PS7 and X.2 and load the app... I'm sure you will find a different story than the one you describing... Supposedly, I could give you the exact number but as of anything so far I've posted here, you or anyone else like to argue just for the sake of arguing...So, do yourself a favor and find that new Dual Mac. Also, when you find one, do this AND try to do it also on ANY P4/2.8:
-Load an MP3 app and let it play while
-You are playing a movie while
-Encoding a DVD while
-Downloading from the net while
-Recording a DVD while
-You are typing text on a word app while
-You are compiling an application while
-You are sychronizing your iPod while
-You are printing a picture while
-You are importing a picture from a Digital Camera while
-Doing anything else at the same time

After all the above, let me know if your Dual Mac is underperforming compared to ANY Dual Wintel and NOT just a single proc box...

In the above, I know what gives but still I will just say to whiners go and try the above stuff on ANY box and let me know if the new Dual Macs are underperformers... Methinks that you will be surprised which one is the best performer! Enough of BSing about speeds: Just check the above out...
Several have mentioned Apple doing things wrong. Like what?

IMHO, Apple has done everything as well as it can possibly be done given the meager economy and market share issues.

For example:

1. buying out quality companies
2. iPod
3. OS X with Unix core
4. Digital hub apps

These are just a few examples. I can not think of a specific example of what Apple is doing WRONG. Sure, the PPC chip is underperforming, but that is not Apple's fault. You think Apple isn't aware of the speed gap? If there was something they could do about it they would. All they can do is what the rest of us are doing...wait for chip makers to increase the speed. Sure, Apple can put pressure on them and help in design etc, but it still boils down to the fact that Moto or even IBM is NOT going to make a fortune selling chips for Apple, so the incentive and market demands are not there.

You could argue that the OS X core is too demanding on today's hardware (read:slow GUI), so that in itself is wrong. But considering the alternative (dwelling on a dead OS), it's still the right move. OS X will be unbelievable on tomorrow's hardware. OK, maybe the day after tomorrow. Apple has shown great vision and long term thinking.

Again, I seriously ask, what specifically has Apple done wrong? Switch to AMD you might say. Yeah right. Like they can just switch to a whole new manufacturer in a week and AMD will have a 4 GHZ PPC equivalent overnight.

Apple isn't perfect. But all things considered, let's give credit where credit is due. I'd like to see any of you keep that ship afloat. If you were Steve Jobs, what would you do differently? And fantasy land answers like "Come out with a faster chip" don't count.
Originally posted by solrac
You suck.

You deleted my entire post, as well as MacLuv's reply to Hulkaros' post.

I spent some time writing that and now this thread is missing two big chunks. I just wasted my time here.

I wonder if I'll post here again.

Yeah, it's called democracy :rolleyes:
Originally posted by ksv
Yeah, it's called democracy :rolleyes:

No, actually it would be a fascist dictatorship because we were never given the option to vote whether or not solrac and MacLuv's replies should be removed or not. :D
Originally posted by ksv
Yeah, it's called democracy :rolleyes:

So, some of you think that Democracy or freedom of speech really is to swear other people or to post whatever you want in a forum which goes by the name of Mac News & Forums?

Yeah, sure! That must be Democracy at its best! Next time when you don't like someones opinions and you have that person in front of you beat him or even better kill him just because you can do so! That's Democracy too, ain't it?
Originally posted by hulkaros
So, some of you think that Democracy or freedom of speech really is to swear other people or to post whatever you want in a forum which goes by the name of Mac News & Forums?

Yeah, sure! That must be Democracy at its best! Next time when you don't like someones opinions and you have that person in front of you beat him or even better kill him just because you can do so! That's Democracy too, ain't it?

If a majority of people feel that everything that comes out of your mouth is idiotic and absurd, then I think we should be able to vote whether or not to kill you. :D
yes, it was a shame that 2 long posts that obviously had a lot of time and effort behind them had to disappear because the posters didn't bother to adhere to the site rules. I regret it, but i also am not going to search thru long posts like that to find the multible infractions and correct them. that's not my responsibility. it is the responsibility of the poster to do it right the first time. So the easiest way to make it conform is to delete it in such instances.

as for democracy - well this is a private site. you signed up and agreed to abide by the rules - remember? you weren't born into being a member here. you joined. so either follow the rules or go somewhere that has rules to suit you. and keep in mind, i enforce the rules, i don't make them. But the current rules have been pretty much agreed upon by all the moderators so there was some group process behind them.

These rules are not new, and neither are you. play by them or risk your work vanishing.
What is faith to you? Is it something you believe in? A religion, perhaps? Or is it something else, such as belief that something will succeed or come through hardship? Or are these just two different definitions to the same word?
Sorry about all the questions, but I have to get you guys thinking for a second.
Now, suppose that Dell takes over the computing market (Not saying it hasn't already...). What would happen? Would we use Apple?
Apple is a strong company, with plenty of innovation and leadership in the industry. Companies like Microsoft need Apple around, otherwise there would be no fresh, new, exciting ideas to go around. I would think that Microsoft would even buy out Apple (God forbid :eek: ), if Apple was struggling. But I digress.
You see, what has kept Apple going through all the years is exactly this--technological innovation. Apple is a leader in the industry, and continues to bring new technologies into the mainstream, such as the Junk Mail filtering in Mail.app, or perhaps even futher back to the very first Mac, an all in one computer. I'm not saying these technologies haven't been around before, but just simply saying how Apple brought it into the mainstream.
Let's go forward in time a bit further now. Apple was struggling. Every Wintel user was hoping for the death of Apple. Motorola had recently put out the G3 chip, and the new high-end desktop Macs were using it. But it wasn't enough to revive the company.
Then Apple introduced the iMac, a simple solution for the home market. It was fast, it was cheap, and it had everything a normal Joe-Blow guy wanted when he walked into a computer store.
Dell is monopolizing on this strategy. An affordable computer that's fast and cool looking? No way! But Apple brought the all-in-one design into around 6 million people's homes. Now they need another breakthrough. Apple will come through. Desperate times call for desperate measures. If we can get another cheap, easy to set up computer, it would do wonders. People just want an affordable solution when it's time for an upgrade. I think Apple will do this shortly. The eMac has a lot of potential for the average consumer; if they fix what's wrong with it, lower the price, and offer the same options that Dell has at a competitive price point, that's all they'll need.

Okay, that's just my two cents. Don't blow my head off now... :D
Can I say something without you guys flaming me?

I know everyone who loves Apple has your piece to say in this forums, and this place is more like coffee shop talk more than anything else, because do you think Mr Jobs will come in here to read the posts?

(Sir, if you do, please reveal yourself) :P


But what I want to say is, we can show how much we love our Macs and iPods and whats not, but let us not get carried away and make these "hot discussion" threads into flame threads and arguements.

This is like our virtual home, where everyone of us chills out here and discuss and gossips about all things Mac (and sometimes Wintel).

Bottom line is, I am not sure about some of you guys, but I feel I am part of this community and I would love to keep this community different from the one in the real world. Enough of terrorists.
Originally posted by hulkaros
So, some of you think that Democracy or freedom of speech really is to swear other people or to post whatever you want in a forum which goes by the name of Mac News & Forums?

Yeah, sure! That must be Democracy at its best! Next time when you don't like someones opinions and you have that person in front of you beat him or even better kill him just because you can do so! That's Democracy too, ain't it?

I don't know whether to love you or hate you. You just tilted the scale back toward hate a little bit.... (because this post is ultra-hypocritical and you've been more belligerent and attacking in some of your previous posts)
Originally posted by serpicolugnut
Hulkaros, you're wrong.

It really bothers me that this is true, but true it is. My home grown AMD 2200 XP w/ 512MB runs circles around my G4/800DP w/ 1.5GB of RAM on just about every application. Photoshop launches on the PC in about 3 seconds, where on the G4 its at least 15 - this with 3X the amount of RAM.

If it takes Photoshop that long to launch on your computer you may want to reinstall it. It takes about 7 seconds on my Dual GB with 512 of RAM.

Couple this with painfully slow web browsing, flash playback, diminished value (having to pay for .Mac), and Apple is losing face in several areas.

How, may I ask, are you surfing the web? Using a cable modem on my Mac web browsing is almost instantaneous.

BTW - that AMD PC I built cost me $750. My G4/800DP cost me $3499.

Why in god's name did you pay $3499 for a G4 800 Dual? My Dual GB was only $2499. Where do you buy your computers?

Apple still retains an "ease of use" edge, but that edge shrinks every year, and now with OS X the standard, and WindowsXP, Windows isn't nearly as hard to use as it used to be. It still doesn't do basic stuff like Plug N Play as good as a Mac, but you've got a broader support of more peripherals than on the Mac, so it's almost a wash....

Almost a wash? If you think it's almost a wash you really should be using a PC.

I love my Macs (so don't try to paint me as an Apple basher), and still admire Apple as a company, but they have been doing more wrong than right lately, and I hope they correct it soon.

I think they're doing more right than they've done in a long time. In fact the latest figures have their market share as actually having increased over the past year.

solrac - i'm going to stand up just a wee bit for the hulk man here.

yes, he has been as guilty of these things as anyone in the past. But he also has taken note of what he was doing that wasn't allowed and seems to have made efforts to tone it down. I would have said the same thing about you solrac, up until the post that is gone now.

The point is that, we are not the same people today that we were in the past. we learn, we grow, we correct our mistakes. that is a good thing. stubbornly being a rebel without a clue is not. You have the option to change your behaviors. in fact, that is what warnings and things like public deletings are all about - to give people a clue and a chance to change. If you don't take it, then you're the one who loses. Don't waste my time by making me have to carefully hunt for rules violations in a post and i won't waste your time by deleting it.

of course, if you would rather i kept your rule violation posts and arranged for your membership here to be deleted, that's another option.But really, i see no reason why 99% or more of the userbase here can post regularly without doing anything worse than bore me or make me move a thread to the right forum, while the other 1% is constantly arguing with me and amongst themselves about how they've been treated unfairly for violating the rules.

more than 'nuff said.
No, Ed, the thing with me is, my natural state of mind, my natural state of being, includes cuss words and sarcasm.

It takes GREAT effort to not use them. In a professional setting it's easy but this is not a professional setting.

Writing a post on this forum, bashing MacLuv for his stupid post... I actually did not mean to break any rules here. I don't even REMEMBER what cuss word I used or anything. In my memory, I kept it clean.

The rules here are a little too strict and it severely detracts from the enjoyment of this forum.

I have great ideas, and good thoughts, and I stand up for my principles. But in a forum or community where the rules are too strict, I will never fit in. It just doesn't work for me. I'll always slip up.

But Hulkaros in the past completely outright belligerently called someone else names and etc. etc. etc., so if he's completely changed that, and is now an evangelist of the forum rules, then more power to him. But his intonations and mannerisms and mis-typings have not changed, and it has not been that long either, so his post is still completely hypocritical.

'nuff said times eleventy-billion!!

p.s. Go ahead and delete my posts in the future that break the rules. I'll remember this and try and put on my fake professional job face when I'm in this strict forum and not slip up again.
Originally posted by solrac

But Hulkaros in the past completely outright belligerently called someone else names and etc. etc. etc., so if he's completely changed that, and is now an evangelist of the forum rules, then more power to him. But his intonations and mannerisms and mis-typings have not changed, and it has not been that long either, so his post is still completely hypocritical.

I didn't want to reply but I'll just say that someone is telling lies here about me...

Also, methinks that mostly in the last few pages of this post we lost control and at least I can guarantee that I will NOT reply again in this post... So less trouble for Ed :D
oh, c'mon I'm not lying Hulkaros.

I remember a super angry post you wrote a couple months ago or so.
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
editor's note - if your post in this thread is missing or changed, then perhaps you should go back and reread the site rules. these include things like no profanity, no name calling or threats, and no sexual references. Either people in this thread start playing nice or it will be promptly closed.

'nuff said.

Actually Ed, you deleted my post and I didn't swear or use profanity or anything... I spent a great deal of time replying to Hulkaros' comments and yet he/she gets to comment on MY posts????? I don't think so.