What is faith to you? Is it something you believe in? A religion, perhaps? Or is it something else, such as belief that something will succeed or come through hardship? Or are these just two different definitions to the same word?
Sorry about all the questions, but I have to get you guys thinking for a second.
Now, suppose that Dell takes over the computing market (Not saying it hasn't already...). What would happen? Would we use Apple?
Apple is a strong company, with plenty of innovation and leadership in the industry. Companies like Microsoft need Apple around, otherwise there would be no fresh, new, exciting ideas to go around. I would think that Microsoft would even buy out Apple (God forbid

), if Apple was struggling. But I digress.
You see, what has kept Apple going through all the years is exactly this--technological innovation. Apple is a leader in the industry, and continues to bring new technologies into the mainstream, such as the Junk Mail filtering in Mail.app, or perhaps even futher back to the very first Mac, an all in one computer. I'm not saying these technologies haven't been around before, but just simply saying how Apple brought it into the mainstream.
Let's go forward in time a bit further now. Apple was struggling. Every Wintel user was hoping for the death of Apple. Motorola had recently put out the G3 chip, and the new high-end desktop Macs were using it. But it wasn't enough to revive the company.
Then Apple introduced the iMac, a simple solution for the home market. It was fast, it was cheap, and it had everything a normal Joe-Blow guy wanted when he walked into a computer store.
Dell is monopolizing on this strategy. An affordable computer that's fast and cool looking? No way! But Apple brought the all-in-one design into around 6 million people's homes. Now they need another breakthrough. Apple will come through. Desperate times call for desperate measures. If we can get another cheap, easy to set up computer, it would do wonders. People just want an affordable solution when it's time for an upgrade. I think Apple will do this shortly. The eMac has a lot of potential for the average consumer; if they fix what's wrong with it, lower the price, and offer the same options that Dell has at a competitive price point, that's all they'll need.
Okay, that's just my two cents. Don't blow my head off now...