LTM and Nummi show/ Rated "R"

So, you don't get kicked off the boards for posting too much? I was thinking I would get kicked off sometime tomorrow when I went on my crazy posting rages. But still, like I agreed, I will post posts with more quality in them. :)
So xoot, what your saying is that, for right now, you will not be making any brand new thread, where all people come in to do is talk about non-sense no one cares about, and can be talked about in an already exsisting thread. Is that what you are saying? Huh, huh?

We have not determined what the exact cause of being kicked off is. As soon as we do, you will be the first to know.

Hey! You know what I just saw. xoot, posting a quality post, something useful to a conversation. While looky there, anything is possible!:)
what's up with the show? is it still going on? can i be in the show? i want to ride a midget! is there any midjets here?
With all the recent events going on, and the fact that one of the hosts was kicked off.... me.... the show had been put on hold.

But now... Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, Welcome, to the greatest show on earth!

Ok... vic is it? You want to be on the show, YOU GOT IT!

Today, joining us will be vic. Now vic, I can call you vic, right? Vic, what is your shoe size? Sorry bout that, we ask all of our guests that. How bout, what does vic mean? Is that your real name or did you make it up?
my shoe size is 10.5 - 11 . and yes, vic is abut half of my real name, how about you lessthanmighty? is that your real name?
Commentary from the peanut gallery
You'll notice that vic doesn't know our host actual name, which implies that he is not a regular viewer. I would guess that vic is here to plug his next movie or maybe an upcoming charity event.

Back to the show :D
Since LTM is not here right now... I will answer that question for you Vic. Lessthanmighty is also half of a name. The full name is "Lessthanmightblinkdetones" a mix of band names:

Less than Jake. Mighty Mighty Bosstones. Blink 182. Deftones. No, that is not his real name.
Originally posted by RacerX
Commentary from the peanut gallery
You'll notice that vic doesn't know our host actual name, which implies that he is not a regular viewer. I would guess that vic is here to plug his next movie or maybe an upcoming charity event.

Back to the show :D

are you like those pop up things in the pop up videos? :)
Originally posted by Nummi_G4
Next question for Vic:

How long have you been into graphic design?{

i have been into it for quite awhile, yesterday at about 4 for example i wenrt inot it, but it stank so in about 30 minutes i had to get out! i'm going to leave it open and waith till the stink ends, and then go back into it. hope that answers your question.
No problem.

What is the date on which you were brought into this world?

How high can you count?

What is your favorite platform (computers)?

Do you play any sports?

What are your feeling about what is going on now in the world?

That should keep you busy.:D
1983 - april 10 - i think that's 10 days after Apple was born.

i can count as hight as i can stand up on my toes.

may favorite platform is the linux, because of what it stands for not because i use it, actually i never really figured out how to set it up properly on my computer.

i used to play sports: swimming, soccer, tennis, basketball. now... does hyperspacing from planet to planet in EV NOVA considdered a sport?

I have no feelings about waht is going on in the world, if i did i would be like spawn in those chapters where he visited heaven? i'm not shure...
Originally posted by vic
are you like those pop up things in the pop up videos? :)

lol... what a great idea! I like that.

Hey, Rick! You never asked me all those questions? :rolleyes:
SHUT UP YOU POPUP VIDEO! sit down and when you have something interestin to chime in you can pop up and ay it. untill then you are not visible on the screen. that is your function! you are not allowed to multy task!
Commentary from the peanut gallery
You'll notice that vic now getting sure of himself. :eek:

Back to the show :D
Well that was quick. Let me ponder my next questions for you why I explain something to the "pop up thingy".

I never asked you all these questions because you never did come on the show willingly. And when you did, it was under a false name. When I can be sure who I am talking to, then we will talk.

VIC..... What is the craiziest thing you have ever done?
whoah well, ummm. let me think... uummmm.... i have a list i'm not shure which one is worse or crazier...

1. Ate ants
2. Jumped with the bike over wated ditch and landed with mouth open in sand at full speed.
3. put metal scissors in european plug "to see what would happen"
4. made a smoke bomb in my granparents' back yard and smoked the whole house.
5. had a 2 vs 2 rock and earth fight - possible consequences inlueded brocken head, missing eyes, other rock damages.
6. swam in lake ontario. (canadian joke)
7. shot cousin with bow and arrow, succesfully inserting arrow in cousin arm.
8. snagged medical and dentist equipment dumped at local dumping site.
9. played with mercury and something in a glass flask that froze anything on contact + was highly flamable. (came in extensive physical contact with both)
10. called taxis at random locations with old walkie talkie.
11. threw rocks, mud compund at passing by cars.
12. started smoking at 9 with Marlboro as first cig.
13. when strapped for cash smoked tea/dried grape leaves, other wooden products wrapped in toilet paper.
14. inserted hand made berry juice with siringe into helpless frog through stomach, frog was released although probably died a slow death and looked like a ballon.

that's all i can remember off-hand....


let's be nice and not upset the pop up racerX...

he brings a new perspective into this show that i find unique...