LTM and Nummi show/ Rated "R"

"1. Ate ants "

we they red or black ants ?

"6. swam in lake ontario. (canadian joke) "

I swim in Lake Erie. Not a joke... it is dirty, nasty water. I would be better off swimming in a port-o-potty.
they were the small little balck ones, they tasted sour, like lemon, or that sour sugar that is on some candies. - i also accidentally sat on an anthill and i ended up with hundreds of little bites on my thies (i was wearing shorts and i was very small/young)

here's another thing i did when i was small (and stupid) i saw a bee go into a flower, so i put the pal of my hand over the flower not to let the bee out, this was when i was so young i never knew bees could sting, i guess this experimentation is a recurring trait in many things i do. - obviously we all know what happend.
You learn from your mistakes. Did you ever see that one Titus episode where little titus was going to stick his finger in the electrical socket, and his mom stopped him, but then his dad told him to anyway? Little Titus learned his lesson! ahahaha. nevermind.

That is some funny shiznat. Were you dropped on you head as a child? weeeee. Crazy!

Yes, I remember that episode.... very funny... so was the crazy bitch cam... and the fist cam... very very funny. NOW, back to the interview.

Shows! What do you watch for shows? Yah know... tv... movies... anything on a boob tube. HA.... boob!

Kill me....
I get the feeling that vic want to spend more quality time with me! :D

So vic tell us about some other stupid thing you've done, and are still small?
Originally posted by Lessthanmighty

That is some funny shiznat. Were you dropped on you head as a child? weeeee. Crazy!

Yes, I remember that episode.... very funny... so was the crazy bitch cam... and the fist cam... very very funny. NOW, back to the interview.

Shows! What do you watch for shows? Yah know... tv... movies... anything on a boob tube. HA.... boob!

Kill me....

actually yes, my moom droped my on my head when i was a kid ... if you don't believe me read my previous posts, trust me nothing seems impossible.
I watch very little tv, the shows that i watch most regularly (read: at random occasion when my internet is down) are

- Media Television AWESOME canadian show on new media interned tech games, very artsy, and not about cheesy platforms or other shit like tech tv.

- dazed and Confused... i can relate.. (this one is just here for fun i dont actually watch it)

- news . yes, i find the news entertaining.

- speackers corner. (a corner with a camera whee u pay a buck or two and speack your mind about anything and hopew it gets aired, one of the best ideas i've seen asound)

- Seinfeld. c'mon! you gotta bow down when seinfeld enters the room!

that;s bout ut, and remenber i don;t watch tv often almost everything tv has to offer i can find faster on the net.
Originally posted by RacerX
I get the feeling that vic want to spend more quality time with me! :D

So vic tell us about some other stupid thing you've done, and are still small?

are you the midget i sent for?
Yes... the migit will be here shortly... he just has to change into the clown suit we gave him.

How much time...per day.... do you spend on the internet?
Originally posted by Lessthanmighty
Yes... the migit will be here shortly... he just has to change into the clown suit we gave him.

How much time...per day.... do you spend on the internet?

8 hours average, sometimes, when i do work i can be 16 hours for a few days in a row... sometimes never, that is when i'm gettin high and drunk, or on vacation in nother coutry.
ok sorry for the delay i was chating with the midget.

electronica, anything that sounds remotely with the prodigy - the best band in the world!
My favorite music? I'm now discovering Indie-Rock, songs that have a tracktime of 10 à 20 minutes, with lovely guitarsolos (a bit like pink floyd, but more rock) (check: mogwai, do make say think, godspeed you black emperor!, explosions in the sky, experimental aircrasft, ...)

here's a list of my music genres:

- acid punk, accoustic, alternative, alternrock, ambient, different, beatscellaneous, big band, blues, brit pop, cabaret, club, dance, data, disco, dream, dub, easy listening house music, euro techno, euro-rock, folk, gothic, industrial, japanese karaoke ( :) ), jazz, funk, jungle, kleinkunst, latin, lo-fi, lounge, midtempo, new age, oldies, other, outras, pop, pop-folk, post-rock, experimental, indie rock, space rock, experimental rock, pranks, progressive rock, radiohead :) , rock français, techno, trip hop, unclassifiable, vocal.


Another guest? We are growing and we dont even know it.

Well that is quite a list... is there anything you dont like?

Techno? Really.. thats good music to have sex to. Of course thats going by only what Im told... N E Ways.

Miget? He hasnt come yet. Who the hell were you talking too?:D
Originally posted by Lessthanmighty
Well that is quite a list... is there anything you dont like?

Techno? Really.. thats good music to have sex to. Of course thats going by only what Im told...

I do not like rap. eheh... you were not asking me... but I do not care... I do not like rap !

I will ask Kaylee to put techno on for us next time :eek: :p (I hope racerX does not read the show anymore, hehehehhehehehe :) he will come in here and tell me to stop talking about personal stuff or whatever he said before)
Originally posted by Lessthanmighty
Another guest? We are growing and we dont even know it.

Well that is quite a list... is there anything you dont like?

Techno? Really.. thats good music to have sex to. Of course thats going by only what Im told... N E Ways.

Miget? He hasnt come yet. Who the hell were you talking too?:D

really? mustv' been senne then!
Originally posted by Nummi_G4

I do not like rap. eheh... you were not asking me... but I do not care... I do not like rap !

I will ask Kaylee to put techno on for us next time :eek: :p (I hope racerX does not read the show anymore, hehehehhehehehe :) he will come in here and tell me to stop talking about personal stuff or whatever he said before)

who's kaylee? anyway on with the questions adn when will my midget arrive?