Mac Converts

How many people have you converted to the Mac/

  • None, I don't try.

  • None, maybe next year

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3-4

  • 5-8

  • 9-15

  • 15-20

  • CONVERT OR DIE!!! (20+)

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So far one at school, but Me, my friends, and some teachers are going to try to convince the school, which is all PCs, to buy at least a few Macs.
I have converted a friend to buy the iBook 500 and a friend to buy iMac and a friend to buy PowerMac and a friend to buy iMac again.
I convinced two of my friends to buy iBooks last year, and another bought a rev.a iBook, and then it died. He got mad at it, and bought a PC :(
His PC's broken so he's been forced to go back to his mom's G4 from the university, and he doesn't really mind though :-p
6 - Relatives (4 iMacs, 1 iBook, 1 PowerMac)
18 - Friends (5 iBooks, 1 TiBook, 4 PowerMacs, 8 iMacs)
31 - People I don't even know (mostly iBooks or iMacs)
1 - Company (was even hired as a consultant... 160 Dells became iMacs, IIS became FreeBSD).
1 - School (36 iBooks, 3 PowerBooks, 6 PowerMacs, 72 iMacs).

265 iMacs
52 iBooks
11 PowerMacs
4 PowerBooks

Total = 332

When do I get my commission? :p

God, your like the apple savior, steve should give you an award

I wouldn't go that far, it's great for one person, but 332 is barely a dent in the millions of PC users.

Sorry, I don't mean to diminish your achievement, but its far from saving apple
(edited above because I accidentally said "TiBook" instead of "PowerBook" for the school... at the time the TiBook didn't exist :p).

I think the important part about converting someone is the almost viral effect it can have. It's cumulative when you get someone to try a Mac and they really like it, then they tell someone else... etc. Apple's best sales I think still come from word of mouth (which is one of the major reasons I support the Apple Stores).

The company I got to switch was owned by a college friend of mine... we got into a conversation about computers (actually happened only a few months ago in January) and I told him I could save him money. I drew up a plan and 2 weeks later he hired me for 2 months as a consultant during which I upgraded his computers to iMacs (they were going to upgrade anyway), fired a number of incompetent people claiming to be "LAN Techs", put FreeBSD on his servers (they're still Dells, no need to upgrade the hardware), and personally interviewed and hired some admins I felt were considerably more capable than the ones that were downsized. The network still hasn't had any down time at all, and the number of problems reported to IT is down 90% (which is quite good considering a number of the employees requested training on MacOS X and said they were uncomfortable trying it). Oh, and the IT department is 1/3 the size it used to be (there were I believe 30 people in it... it's now run by 8 people... the savings there have been huge). Bah, I'm on a tangent, sorry. I still keep in touch with him of course (he paid me $30,000 for 2 months of work I volunteered to do for free, so I love the guy ;p). He told me recently he's noticed a lot of employees have been taking their work home on their own iBooks and TiBooks. He doesn't remember anyone having a Mac laptop before the change. Oh, he has a TiBook now too, and an iMac for his kitchen (don't ask) :)

You da Man Dak!

I've gotten 3 and more will be coming I'm sure :)

I like how we have a nice gaussian bell curve going :) no wait, I don't like that at all because it means my experimental physics class is rotting my brain.
Bringing back old threads... Yes, i know this exist in Bob's Place.

7 MacBook
3 MBPro
2 iMac (2008)
4 Xserve
12 iPods ( 8 gifts)
2 Shuffles
2 iPhone ( 1 gift)
I got told off by a convert of mine, apparently I did not convert him quickly enough !!!

Upside down world!
Only one. However he's delighted with his iMac. His only complaint was that he hadn't listened to me earlier.

My father's PC died last week. For some time now I have dropped subtle (and perhaps not so subtle) hints to buy a Mac if his computer ever needed changing. Of course he went ahead and bought another Dell. When I expressed my disappointment he said "Macs will eventually be bought out by Microsoft so why change?".

OK he has ANS (Apple Neurosis Syndrome), but I've heard this so called 'fact' from quite a few people now.
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Only one. However he's delighted with his iMac. His only complaint was that he hadn't listened to me earlier.

My father's PC died last week. For some time now I have dropped subtle (and perhaps not so subtle) hints to buy a Mac if his computer ever needed changing. Of course he went ahead and bought another Dell. When I expressed my disappointment he said "Macs will eventually be bought out by Microsoft so why change?".

OK he has ADD (Apple Aversion Syndrome), but I've heard this so called 'fact' from quite a few people now.

Same thing happened with my manager's wife. I dropped subtle -and increasingly less subtle- hints towards buying a MacBook, and she went and bought a Dell anyway. "They're the best computer at Best Buy!"

Definitely ANS.

(And for personal reasons, I hate Dell more than any other PC vendor.)
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I converted two coworkers and one of them was the head server tech. I also got another coworker who first got an iPhone. The funny thing is I never really pushed Macs very hard on them. I really never brought it up unless someone asked about my computer experiences. They even had me bring in my Mac Book Pro. After they found out about duel booting they made their minds up. Today all they ask is about software recommendations.
I've converted about 25 people some family members like my sister and friends, I started people going crazy about the mac with the 1400 for some reason but they still love the imac G5 more.