Mac OS X 10.1.5 Released!


Unofficial Mac Genius
Not yet, but it will be today, without a doubt. :) Watch for IE 5.1.5 as well. ;)
Wow, simX, isn't that a little low, calling the release before it even happens so you can beat everyone else to the punch? j/k ;) :D
Originally posted by homer
Wow, simX, isn't that a little low, calling the release before it even happens so you can beat everyone else to the punch? j/k ;) :D

Not really, because I know it's going to be released today. :)
Originally posted by Winblows
can we have an estimated time? (US Pac-apple time)

I'm not sure, but you can probably bank on it before the day is over (12 AM). Historically, Apple usually releases it in the afternoon, so don't get your hopes up for it this morning.

I'll post an update with all the changes when it DOES get released, although I'll be busy this afternoon, so who knows?

uoba: Don't worry, it'll be released today. and say "We expect that a general release is imminent" and "This also means we will be seeing OS X 10.1.5 released today, as well, as many of the updates to the Office Suite require OS X 10.1.5 (Quartz text smoothing)", respectively. Neither of these sites are classified as rumor sites, and they both have had an almost 100% track record when reporting things.
*laugh* ... thanks, simx... let's see whether someone will fall into the trap and claim first post... :)

it's good that there's already a thread for it. we'll post the download troubles and the errors of the build (5S61, 5S62?) into this one for sure... :)
Originally posted by homer
Hey dlookus: what happened to the Mr Sparkle avatar? I loved that! :D
It was just time to move on. Most people thought he was homer anyway.
Sure, I read the thread AFTER I've done the software update :-/. oh well there isn't anything I'm expecting in this that will help me too much. The last couple updates got all my drivers so this will just be an interesting milestone before 10.2
Originally posted by simX
Not yet, but it will be today, without a doubt. :) Watch for IE 5.1.5 as well. ;)

Not yet, but it will be this summer, without a doubt. :D

Just calling it! ;)
We gonna start calling like that then...

Get yer 'imminent release of the G5 thread' here then...:D

Anyways, what's gonna be in 10.1.5 (whilst I'm sitting here waiting for it!)?
hopefully that much needed on screen display of the eject function that those lucky users of the newer version of 10.1.4 got in advance
LOL...pre-emptive posting of update releases

Uh oh...5pm is coming soon...looks like this update is comin at the last possible second ;)
aaaah...very true Mr. Caca...

That's the beauty of having 4 time zones eh? :)