I agree with thewelshman, your words are quite harsh...especially for a moderator. Clearly i haven't stolen anything, since I'm asking how to get around the issue, nor do i like you painting me as a thief.
I trust that by your comments you have never illegaly downloaded an Mp3 file or operated software without a license of course... Also, if you've read my posts at this point i'd be interested in buying Tiger but and still very curious about how Apple is restricting installation... I think this is something many users would be interested in understanding further, since this is the first time, in my experience, something like this has been done. MS has frequently used serial numbers to keep software legal, but never have i heard of a software searching the inner depths of a computers hardware to determine if installation is possible..
So i will stop asking if there is a work around to this issue, and start saving my $9 CDN/hour wage for about 4 months to try and afford Tiger, but will still keep posting in the hope of satisfying my curiousity to understand how this is being done, it is quite remarkable if you ask me!