michaelsanford Translator, Web Developer Jul 29, 2008 #17,128 Google (to discover what that word means)
Rhisiart Registered Jul 29, 2008 #17,130 Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz law for regulating the labeling of beef
Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz law for regulating the labeling of beef
michaelsanford Translator, Web Developer Jul 30, 2008 #17,131 Polyagglutinating (Loosely, a language which makes new words by morphologically combining existing words.)
Polyagglutinating (Loosely, a language which makes new words by morphologically combining existing words.)
CaptainQuark 93 93/93 Jul 30, 2008 #17,132 lethologica (the phenomenon of struggling to put your finger on just the right word for the... errr... gods, what's the word I'm looking for?)
lethologica (the phenomenon of struggling to put your finger on just the right word for the... errr... gods, what's the word I'm looking for?)
michaelsanford Translator, Web Developer Jul 31, 2008 #17,133 lazy (via "lethargy" from common root λεθος