Mavericks is a major - well, rather large - disappointment.


For me, anyway - I suppose your mileage may vary. Everything has slowed down, especially Pages and Numbers. With Pages, for example, formerly it would bounce 3 times in the Dock and come open and ready - total 15 secs. Now it still bounces 3 times, but it is not responsive for 30-40 secs. Ditto for Numbers.

Safari starts up pretty quickly because now each open page is a separate process. But Apple has not solved the long-standing memory leak which causes some sites to gobble memory. Facebook is one of the worst offenders. Moreover, Pages seems to have inherited the leak. With a small document open and idling, it will gradually consume 1gb+ of VM. I try to close and quit more often than before.

My non-Apple software is behaving reasonably well.

Does anyone else have some stories?
It seems Apple wants two things now, consistency and party for iCloud sharing. So instead of bringing up the old iWork applications to Mac levels they went the other way and dumbed down the OS X versions down to the iOS versions so iCloud sharing is simpler.

Plus 10.9 is a .0 version and we all seem to be "Beta' testers. Wait for the .2 version may be warranted.
That explains a lot. I thought maybe it was my computer. While doing a restart will release the memory hogs, I sure don’t want to have to do a restart every time it starts slowing down.

I have noticed that when you close out your last document in Pages, the light in the dock goes out, but the app is still open. I’ve been using Force Quit to check what is still running. Using the Contextual menu in dock only shows Open.
Try updating to 10.9.1 - The response time seems to have been corrected with this update.
I loaded Mavericks very briefly and didn't like its looks. That plus all the problems I've read about convinced me to stay with 10.6.8 until Apple wakes up and fixes Mavericks.
I took Cheryl's advice and upgraded to 10.9.1 when it became available. Things are a little better, but there's still lots to do.
I took Cheryl's advice and upgraded to 10.9.1 when it became available. Things are a little better, but there's still lots to do.

Since then, I have upgraded to 10.9.2. Same comment applies. But I have made one change that has resulted in a significant improvement in Safari's performance. I now use Chrome for Facebook - nothing else - and Safari for everything else. Since that change, I have not had to restart Safari even once for excessive "memory pressure".
I surrender. I just imported my Safari info into Chrome and shut down the former. I do not have the patience to force-quit it six times a day when there's an alternative that behaves and is faster.
To everyone running Mavericks (or even 10.8 or 10.7) get the small free program EteCheck. It will show you all your Extensions and you can check (and manually delete) old non-capable extensions and plugins. It really sped me up and might help you.
When I updated to Yosemite, I went back to Safari for everything, even Facebook. For a while it was OK. Now in 10.10.5 and Safari 8.0.8, the memory pressure issue is back. I have to restart Safari once a day. If I close just Facebook, the issue does not go away. Same for the other sites I keep open. It's all or nothing. Here are my extensions:
  • AdBlock 2.4.2
  • Evernote Web Clipper 6.6
  • 1Password 4.4.4
  • Social Fixer 12.0
The last tries to "enhance" Facebook. Yes, I have tried disabling it - no change.

So, after more than a year, has anyone else seen this behavior? Do you have some advice?
When I updated to Yosemite, I went back to Safari for everything, even Facebook. For a while it was OK. Now in 10.10.5 and Safari 8.0.8, the memory pressure issue is back. I have to restart Safari once a day.
Is there any improvement after you upgrade to Safari 9?
Got in this morning to find all yellow under memory pressure in Activity Monitor. Closed each Safari page one by one - no change. Quit Safari - no change!! The only user process near the top of the list of core hogs was mailwebcontent. So I quit Mail - memory pressure immediately went to green.

One step forward, one step back.
And again this morning. It looks like Safari is fixed - maybe - but now Mail (8.2) has a memory leak. I use Mail Act-On 3.2.1 and SpamSieve 2.9.21. Although the latter is a separate process, it quits when I quit Mail; starts when I start Mail. Next time, I'll try to quit SpamSieve only.
I upgraded to El Capitan (10.11.3) with Safari 9.0.3. Memory pressure still goes orange now and then, but Safari itself is very well behaved. No particular page gobbles memory! When I started composing this entry, it went orange but has now gone back to green all by itself.

On the cpu side, the process powerd used to hog the machine occasionally. Not since upgrading.

Seems to be some nice progress!
I upgraded to El Capitan (10.11.3) with Safari 9.0.3. Memory pressure still goes orange now and then, but Safari itself is very well behaved. No particular page gobbles memory! When I started composing this entry, it went orange but has now gone back to green all by itself.

On the cpu side, the process powerd used to hog the machine occasionally. Not since upgrading.

Seems to be some nice progress!

That's because you are still using Flash! :D