MWSF Official Thread

I'd guess that if most users were going to spend $250 freaking dollars, they'd spend the extra $50 to get the 15GB iPod... Though I'm guessing the $299 iPod still won't come with a Dock
$250 is steep. Flash or hard drive based? He didn't say... I'm thinking a new mini-4GB hard drive.

Getting tempting to get an iPod... er, mini, sorry. :P
- 730,000 iPods sold. over 200,000 iPods sold in december.
- iPods 59 % of mp3 players marketshare, of all price groups.
- new sizes: 15 G, 20 G, 40 G
- new heardphones 39 $
- new ad

iPod mini
- to conquer the mini-flash player market
- 4 GB of storage
- 249 $, thinner than the other flash players; 1/2 in thick, size of the business card.
- no note on battery duration
anyone have a screen capture showing the thing?
stupid firewall blocks video. : (

oh no... "maxipod"? I can see the parodies now.... "starts in white... ends up red"
Flash, eh? It'll be good (or shall I say better) for joggers and skateboarders.


Um, seems I misinterpreted Jobs' assertion that it would dominate the Flash-based player market.

Move along.

Nothing to see here.
Wahoo for iPod mini. They should've made a black one. I can imagine kids having this kind of music player.

Why do I feel so underwhelmed? Was it just not that big a deal, or is it just that most things weren't all that interesting to me?

Personally I'm thinking that there were a lot of things, just nothing that wasn't either a small incremental change or expected and a bit underwhelming (no 2GB mini-iPod? $249?)

No G5 speed bumps, no iMac changes, no iBox