I had e-mailed fryke about this, but I thought I would post it here as well. I was thinking about preordering Snow Leopard for $29. However, I notice that Apple is calling this offer an "upgrade" for Leopard users. Now, I know the word "upgrade" has a tendency to be used VERY loosely when it comes to software, so I thought I would ask the following. Is one required to have Leopard in order to take advantage of SL for the $29 offer? Would I be able to purchase SL for $29 and install it on an Intel Mac with Tiger? Could I do a full installation with it as opposed to just upgrading a previous version?
I too checked this upgrade option out thoroughly and just as I had figured, under System Requirement Mac OS 10.5 Leopard is listed.
What I don't understand is supposedly Snow Leopard was supposed to clear up a lot of the clutter in 10.5 that is caused by now useless PowerPC stuff. How do they plan to do this if they are just installing on top of something that is already cluttered...?
What I'm getting as is that I can't use the Snow Leopard upgrade disk to perform a clean install without first having Leopard on the drive... correct assumption?
I understand this perfectly. I was wondering this because Snow Leopard could have taken the direction of, say, Adobe in the sense that you needn't have Leopard installed to upgrade -- you can perform a clean installation, and at some point, you'd be asked to insert your Leopard DVD to verify that you are eligible to perform a clean install.That is why they are called "Upgrade Disks".
I think you're going to be waiting for a very long time. I don't think there's going to be a $129 Snow Leopard-only version -- I think the Box Set is the full version, and Apple is transitioning to including iLife with OS X now.This is why I am waiting for the full US $129 version this time around. I am saying this as a Beta tester (I think it safe to say now) there will be a lot of bell aching coming this Friday.
Why would this be? Adobe CS4 runs fine under 10.4 and 10.5, and runs just fine under the developer seeds of 10.6 as well.Unless the program was written for 10.5 only you are 90% assured that the program will not run! That is almost across the board! Third party developers will have to be releasing like bandits come this weekend. That is why I am waiting this time and skipping the bleeding edge.
10.6 is not a huge leap in architecture like 10.4 to 10.5 was. Granted, there are many changes and improvements under the hood, but most developers will find that their programs that run under 10.5 will run under 10.6 as well.
Like I said: There are user reports that claim you *CAN* clean install the 29$ disk _without_ having Leopard installed on any machine. I know my previous post was long and numbered, but it contains most information on any frequently asked questions I've heard so far. I'll gladly edit the list later on, should newer information become available.
Besides, even if those reports should turn out incorrect: Why would you wipe the harddrive *first*, instead of letting the Snow Leopard installation disc do it (and recognise that you already had SL installed)?
---> I've added a FAQ to the first post in the thread. Please expand it and ask me to make changes if you find mistakes.