Opinions: Drugs

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Saying that drugs hurt/kill/heal/whatever is silly. A baggy of cocaine never jumped up off a table and throttled anyone. People's use of drugs is what does it.

When asking whether tobacco kills or saves lives:
- habitual use of medium or large quantities of highly processed, high nicotine tobacco has killed thousands (recreational cigarette smoking).
- infrequent ritualistic use of small quantities of natural, low nicotine tobacco has saved thousands of lives (wars ended or avoided through use of the peace pipe).

So, when comparing tobacco to marijuana, what I'm really comparing is the use of each, according to my own assumptions about what constitutes typical use. I could compare moderate use of each - one 1/2 gram joint shared among two or three people, three or four times a month vs. an entire cigarette consumed by one person, 8-10 times a day - and conclude tobacco is far worse.

Or I could compare chronic heavy use of each - a couple of grams of pot a day, vs. a pack of cigarettes a day (what's that, about 80-100 grams of tobacco?) - and come to a much more questionable conclusion.

Or I could compare the two gram for gram - which would be very stupid, because nobody ever smokes 100 grams of pot a day, and barely anyone smokes 2 grams of tobacco a month spread out over several sessions - I'd be comparing nonsensical data.

(or, I could consider that some people don't smoke pot at all, they eat it in brownies or omelettes or whatever, and so avoid lung damage altogether, or or or...)

All that being said, when it comes to the overall effects on society, I consider that the harm done by prohibition far far outweighs the harm done by drugs. And that goes for any drugs, from legals like booze to soft illegals like pot, to hard drugs like heroin.

Since we seem to be in a confessional mood today, here's my narcotic curriculum vitae (narcoticum vitae?)
- I smoked a fair amount of pot (and hashish, and cannabis oil) through high school (they call it high school for a reason), stayed off it for a year or two, and now use it in moderation.
- I have a glass of beer or wine nearly every day with supper, and occasionally a few more drinks than that. I brew most of my own booze, since I enjoy brewing, and the commercial stuff costs more than it's worth to me.
- I drink more coffee than I should. Sometimes a little more, when I was at school it was far too much...
- I occasionally smoke tobacco on a narghile (a water pipe; the tobacco is marinated in molasses and lit with charcoal)
- I've used LSD and mushrooms. I consider them something valuable, to be taken rarely and with respect.
Who here knows Ricky. He moderates this forum. We talk a couple times a week via AIM. Well, he read this thread and we just had a talk. Because I smoked pot ONCE he has blocked me from his buddy list. He does not wish to talk to me anymore. He said it was my choice. He said either I never smoke anything ever again, or we never never speak again. He was nice about it, but I couldn't believe that someone I consider more an acquaintance than friend was asking me to make a choice like that. Since he does moderate this forum he could censor or even delete this post, but I just want to ask if you all think this is fair.
The transcript is attached. :)

-EDIT- Figured out that it downloads the attachment as "attachment.php." Just change "php" on the end of the file name to "txt" to open the file.

Also, I would like to add that I have no intention of modifying anything in this thread, save for the normal site policies (swears and such). I feel that it's important that people voice their opinions on these matters.


  • transcript.txt
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Uh.... Rick..... no offense, but what exactly is the rationale behind ending a friendship because someone does something you don't exactly approve of every once in a while? Are you afraid of guilt by association? I may not agree with 100% of the things my friend does, but that doesn't make us any less in the way of friends....
Thanks for asking, Adambyte. Let me just take this time out to be perfectly clear. First of all, and I should have said this before, I do not condone illegal use of -any- drug. I was raised to not tolerate it, and it is against my belief system for me to be associated with anyone who abuses a drug or illegally uses a drug. Fear of influence has caused this, as well as a bit of guilt by association.

And just because I don't agree with something someone does does not mean that I am in any way less a friend of them. Of course, if they repeatedly do things I do not agree with/condone, I tend to simply move on without them. Drugs are a different matter, though.

wdw_ is a good person, and I know this. However, with actions come consequences. Using a drug illegally comes with the consequence/risk of being arrested, losing/badly injuring friendships, losing priveliges, and losing trust, particularly from parents, not to mention risks to your health and your body. Many drugs, if thoroughly abused, can leave you dead. Marijuana does not do this, however, dumbing down your brain cells is not good when you're driving a car or you're with your girlfriend. Marijuana makes you more likely to make a bad decision, putting not only yourself, but people around you in a bad position. Alcohol does this as well.

So, I hope that clears up how I feel on the subject. I hope you understand where I'm coming from now.
I understand where you're coming from, but I think you're taking the wrong tactic with the issue. If I vowed not to associate with anyone I knew smoked marijuana/cigarettes, drank underage, or whatever, I'd have to disassociate myself with at least half the people I know (at least at school). The way I see it is I don't condone the activity, but it's their bad choices, and there's no point in letting it come between me and them. I have a strong enough conviction that I will never smoke anything or drink until I'm 21, but that doesn't mean I will ban those who do these from my life.

You described some of the things that can result from taking these drugs... and I say, well those are their bad choices to make, not yours. Let them destroy their life, dumb down their brain cells, whatever, but don't let it come between your relationships. If you can stop a bad decision from being made, by all means go ahead, but don't try to be judge, jury and executioner when it comes to someone making their own decisions about their own body.

I've given up trying to reason with people about doing stuff and I just accept that they do them. If someone asks me if I mind if they smoke, however, I will say yes I do, because I don't want to be involved in their bad decision. If they can not live without a cigarette, though, I will concede reluctantly, especially if there's some way I won't have to smell it.
I just read some people are against caffeine... hey, guys, I'm awake from 6:00AM to 2:00AM, I *need* caffeine ! ;)

My two cents about the Ricky/wdw_ bullfight: don't you both feel stupid ? How old are you ?
toast: I'm 16, but I don't feel stupid. Why would you think that?

PS. I'm not against caffene, I'm just a litlle annoyed that it's got such a strong hold on me.
This quarrel with Ricky (see transcript) is just completetely absurd. Even if I know you can't do much about it.
drugs is only one way to arrive to the destruction. alcohol arrives there too, and is just socially more acceptable. and there are hundreds of others ways that will destruct you as well, cutting yourself, excessive sports, not eating etc.

have any of you seen Requiem For A Dream? if so, how do you like it? it is one of my favorite movies and i see its strong mesasges ... i like the way it is made, but after seeing it i feel really bad.
Originally posted by Giaguara
drugs is only one way to arrive to the destruction. alcohol arrives there too, and is just socially more acceptable.
alcohol is so socially accepted that it's normally not considered a drug (same with tobacco)
Man this thread is hilarious!

I have tried drugs, probably more than the average person. Do I feel it has affected me personally, professionally or morally? NO.. Through out High school I experimented and then early in my life I experimented more. If anything I think it has made me a better man, more knowledgeable about others issues, wants and needs. Also gave me a really good view from both sides. Instead of the narrow-minded view from one side!

But now I have quit all the illegal stuff and I settle for Cigs, alcohol and caffeine. Not buy choice but because society says it’s bad, and because I have had my legs shaved for drug testing for my job.

I don’t condone usage of anything. I think we live in a time were freedom of choice dominants, We’re all big boys and Girl and should be able to make choices in our life without being criticized for ones actions buy someone who has one way stance on the subject

Just my opinion

I might be one of these people that has dodged the bullet, or maybe I'm just really resilliant. Whatever the case, you guys are a bunch of lightweights.

I haven't done any illegal drugs in about 6 years, or since I got married, but if there was a drug that existed 1998, then I did it, and a whole lot of it. I have no mental stability problems and I'm quite happy with my life and family that I've created.

I've been to the darkest and brightest reaches that drugs can take you. Now I just get high on life, exercise, mountainbiking, sex, and occasional quality whisky buzz and I find it quite rewarding.

I'm not advocating havy drug use, however, drugs, and in particular LSD have opened my mind up to things that no human mind can fathom without it. I realize I'm the exception to the rule that drugs will certainly take control of your life, and destroy it. But I think everybody should trip at least 2 or 3 times in their life, at least take a peek into that door into the universe of infinitesimal understanding and total loss of the ego.
It's funny how some people would readily modify their neurons permanently, and yet be very reluctant to modify or overclock their CPUs. OH NO! I might ruin that! That would cost me money! how would I surf the net and check my email? That costs me my freedom, my way of life.

Habilis, my point earlier in the thread is that later on down the road a few or many years, you might pay the ultimate price for 2 or 3 good trips. Health care costs in the USA are skyrocketing. If you don't have a good health insurance plan, are the tax payers supposed to ante up for the cost to treat your mental illness resulting from a good trip 20 or 30 years earlier?
The ugly truth:

http://www.univ.trieste.it/~brain/NeuroBiol/Neuroscienze per tutti/mdma.html
Holy Cow!

"alcohol is so socially accepted that it's normally not considered a drug (same with tobacco)" -- mrfluffy

Just because something is socially accepted does not make it automatically safe or morally acceptable. I would hate to live in a world where that was the case.

"We?re all big boys and Girl and should be able to make choices in our life without being criticized for ones actions buy someone who has one way stance on the subject" -- acidtuch10

Are we giving criticism without being willing to accept it? This is all part of freedom. Just as you have free will, others have free speech. Also, criticism can be constructive.

" I'm not advocating havy drug use, however, drugs, and in particular LSD have opened my mind up to things that no human mind can fathom without it" -- habilis

I don't know if I can agree or disagree with this. Since I've never taken anything like LSD (and never will) I can't say anything about the experience. However, as one of the resident religious freaks, I have not found myself wanting for anything as far as experiences in this universe. I have had experiences through prayer, meditation and worship that I feel others cannot fathom until they personally experience it. The real difference is, there has been, and never will be, any adverse physical/mental effects upon me.

"Also gave me a really good view from both sides. Instead of the narrow-minded view from one side!" -- acidtuch10

I don't want to EVER experience the "other side." Some may feel that I have no right to speak on the subject since I've not taken drugs myself, but I don't agree. Watching my older brother destroy his life, his wife's life and his son's life because of alcohol and marijuana was enough experience for me. Watching my grandmother die from cancer and other problems brought on by decades of smoking was enough for me. Having one of my closests friends committ suicide a couple of weeks ago because of being in an "altered state" when he pulled the trigger was enough for me. Shall I go on? I think my experience speaks for itself.

Also, as someone who has taught school for eight years, I've seen it in the lives of my students. I could line every student up and tell you exactly which students are on drugs or have been drinking. They're not just called "dopes" for nothing.

I know that I and people who share my opinions are a growing minority, but that doesn't mean we're wrong. It just means the rest of the world is stupid, and too drugged up to know any better. No one will ever convince me otherwise.

If anyone is offended by anything I've said, I apologize in advance, but I don't take it back. I've meant every word!
[Kick dead horse] Back to the tobacco/marijuana issue:

Neither are good for your body. By smoking either, you put dangerous chemicals into your body and lungs, increasing the risk of contracting cancer, emphysema, or something else. Both create an undesirable atmosphere and pollute the environment.

Cigarettes will eventually kill you. People who smoke are addicted from the nicotine, and they often smoke many packs a day. However, cigarettes are legal because they do not significantly alter your current state of mind like marijuana. Weed may not kill you, but it makes you stupid. The THC in weed affects your hippocampus, which disrupts your learning and memory processes, causing you to become stupid. Weed is also a narcotic from the high it gives you, so it is illegal.

Now I know no one has been recorded as dying from smoking weed, but why is that? People die from cigarettes because they smoke constantly, year after year, until they have no lungs left or they are eaten by cancer. Nobody smokes marijuana in nearly the quantity of cigarettes, so you don't get the same amounts of chemicals from marijuana and tobacco, even though marijuana smoke contains more chemicals than tobacco smoke. If you smoked 5 joints every day, you would die a lot sooner than if you smoked 5 cigarettes every day. Therefore, just because no one dies from marijuana does not mean that it won't kill you. [/Kick dead horse]
Originally posted by chemistry_geek
Habilis, my point earlier in the thread is that later on down the road a few or many years, you might pay the ultimate price for 2 or 3 good trips. Health care costs in the USA are skyrocketing. If you don't have a good health insurance plan, are the tax payers supposed to ante up for the cost to treat your mental illness resulting from a good trip 20 or 30 years earlier?

Oh c'mon now Chem, how many acid-tripping hippies doomed lives are we paying for right now? Is there an epidemic out there of past acid trippers lives ruined? There isn't. Anyway, don't worry about me suckin up tax dollars, I have full insurance coverage and plenty of cash to pay for my own doomed future.

on a second note, long term stress might actually do the same or worse damage, and kill you early.
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