OS "EX" or OS "Ten"?

MacOS "Ex" or MacOS "Ten"?

  • "Ex" all the way - they don't call 'em "Ten-Men"

  • "Ten" is cool in a Superbowl-kinda way

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nkuvu: I'd rather people call it "dohs" instead of "dee-oh-ess".
I guess it just comes down to what I've been saying all my life. I've always said "dohs", and "mak oh ess", so I just get pissed off when people say "mak oss".

I wouldn't really mind people trying to pronounce "Windows XP" though. Actually, that might be very amusing. :)
simX declared:
I'd rather people call it "dohs" instead of "dee-oh-ess".
Heh. I'd rather have people call it "yooniks". :D

XP: pronounced "pbthbthptbhth!" :p

Note to self: Stop being bitter about using an inferior OS for so long...
Well, I call it Mac OS "Ex", because of UniX. Or is it because of the big blue "X" on the box ? ;)

But NOT after XP... Argl...

Jobs says Mac OS "ten". And therefore, guys who says "Ex" are Noobs... What if Jobs first called it "Ex" ?
Jobs first called it X. Then when the public beta rolled around, it was TEN. Or somewhere around that time, I don't remember exactly...
I know it is supposed to be called ten but ex sounds so much better to me so I call it ex and so does everyone else I now.
You know, thou who disobeys the proper saying of the name of the great OS Ten dot One dot Four will not get into Aqua Heaven!
stop with the DOT it is POINT! You use dot when it is in a word like macosx dot com. You use point with numbers like 10 point 1 point 4 or my ibook screen is 12 point 1 inches. Am I the only one who says point?
Steve says in Mac OS X it's Dot. Steve, being the leading force behind Mac OS X and the one who created the name and versioning system, has the last say on what is called what.

So, It's still "Ten" and "dot."

Besides, "point" sounds so AOL/Microsoft.
Hmm, I don't say point or dot when I say the long name. I just say "ten" "one" "four". The dots and points take too long :)
%@%* ! That wasn't the good image to post !
I'm terribly sorry, young man, I won't do it again. I had the image of a young footballer looking very smaaaaaaart and I wanted to post it -- confusion the waitress. Sorry again, I'm gonna change this if I can.

PS: how do you change the 'Junior Member' string to the strange Norwegian-like thing you wrote ? Thanx -
You change that string of text by clicking the "user cp" button, and then selecting Edit Profile. It's somewhere in the big block of text fields. You may have to have 25 posts or so before you can change it though. I'm not sure.
Originally posted by toast
%#^ ! That wasn't the good image to post !
I'm terribly sorry, young man, I won't do it again. I had the image of a young footballer looking very smaaaaaaart and I wanted to post it -- confusion the waitress. Sorry again, I'm gonna change this if I can.

PS: how do you change the 'Junior Member' string to the strange Norwegian-like thing you wrote ? Thanx -

Haha :D
You can edit your title by clicking "user cp" on the top of the page, then the "Edit Profile" sub option.
The "norwegian-looking thing" actually is norwegian. Figure out what it means for yourself. I change it every month or so. If you translate enough of them, you'll find out what they are ;)
"point vs dot" ? Weeeeeell, english is too complicated. In french, there are only "points", and no "dots" at all. So "10 point 1 point 4" is it. :D

But french is not perfect, and there is a difference between "X" and "10"... ;)