I have a iPhone 5 and updated it because of the security issue
I have to get used to a lot of the different
features that i don't like But my question is What changes will i have if i download my Mac..and i have
seen where some people are saying don't use safari until i have updated my Mac.?..Is this a real security
threat or just so scare people? Of course i will update my Mac..but i just want to make sure..Also i just
got a software update and its for safari?..One more question Do i need room to update the new Maverick
software Thanks for any information.. I know i sound confused Thats because i am My Mac OS X
Version..10.7.5 and as i said i use Safari but i also have firefox i could use I won't update my Mac
until i get more information form someone on this site Thank you again...
features that i don't like But my question is What changes will i have if i download my Mac..and i have
seen where some people are saying don't use safari until i have updated my Mac.?..Is this a real security
threat or just so scare people? Of course i will update my Mac..but i just want to make sure..Also i just
got a software update and its for safari?..One more question Do i need room to update the new Maverick
software Thanks for any information.. I know i sound confused Thats because i am My Mac OS X
Version..10.7.5 and as i said i use Safari but i also have firefox i could use I won't update my Mac
until i get more information form someone on this site Thank you again...