pet peeves and more


What are the little things in life that bug you? That small (but big?) tidbit in daily life that drives you nuts. Those annoying moments that piss you off when, at the same time, thinking there are more important problems in the world. Like that guy who budded in line just as you arrived late to the movie theater or the one little piece of plastic in a kitchen appliance (or whatever) that broke and which now makes it useless. A shoelace that snaps when you are in a hurry? etc..
Or forum questions such as this that are so boring.
Oooh, lots of things! But a few for now would include:
  • "Queue jumping" (a.k.a. "How to get the British to wish a slow and painful death on someone")
  • Drivers who think the rules of the road don't apply to them
  • Improper use of apostrophes
  • Microsoft Word
  • People typing "MAC" instead of "Mac"
  • My mobile phone's inconsistently-responsive buttons
The Grammar Police
Jaywalking (walking when the traffic has the right of way)
Tailgating when the speed limit is clearly marked 40 mph.
Turning from the right lane to make a left hand turn. Flip this if you live in the UK.
Speeding by when an emergency vehicle is behind or on the opposite side.
Going below the speed limit because its a nice sunny day.
Obsessive compulsive disorder( and not the people who actually have it, just the people who think they have it.)
Expected to cover work shifts because I don't have a life. Ha!
Having to listen to AM radio with windows rolled up because I attend a liberal campus that believes in freedom of speech as long as its sanctioned (that's just a rant but I really disagree with people on campus)

Solicitors, cold callers, and people looking to rip me off online. That's something we all can agree on.
Ever been called at dinner time by an automatic phone marketing service wanting to sell you a new kitchen or storm windows? Or a credit company that says we'll give you a certain sum if you "agree to the contract." A phone company that gives you full internet, TV, phone for 19 Euros/dollars, etc.
I'm sure the list is very long. Come on! I'm talking about real ball breakers in daily life. Let's get cooking here. The few that I have seen so far are pretty annoying. However, Dig baby dig.
Oh, how about that lady in the supermarket who has two items but takes 20 minutes to go through the check-out line due to "breaking chops" with the cashier and getting testy with the gal in front of her/him..... and she's/he's only in the supermarket because the people in the store next door are a band of crooks. Hey, check-out lines...another forum question all alone. But who wants that!!
Robots that call me on the phone warning that my auto insurance "may be expiring!" First of all, I have no auto, so if my auto insurance is expiring, I want to know why the heck I have it in the first place, not how to renew it. Secondly, if you don't KNOW whether it's expiring, you obviously have no business calling me about it.

Car stereos that create little earthquakes. They make me want to kill people. If it were up to me, it would be illegal to even manufacture car stereos capable of producing such loud noise. Loud motorcycles are almost as bad. (There are in fact laws against such noise where I live, but there's no enforcement.)

Animated gifs and flash ads. Thank goodness for ad filters, otherwise I would lose my mind.

90% of political campaign coverage. There are more articles talking about the amount of money each candidate has raised than there are about their policies. It's like off-season sports coverage, only without any humor.

And speaking of politicians, let me add one more: politicians. More specifically, the verbal dances they use to avoid answering simple questions. Why does this always work?! The debate moderators establish plenty of rules; why is "you can't change the subject" not one of them?
I remembered more!
• Drivers above the age of 65.
•*I also hate Microsoft Word
• People who have wheels that are way to big for there car.
Windows... it's million ways of not being effective to use and making you wonder what kind of monkeys thought about the usability.
Poorly written bugs.
Bugs that don't get fixed in years.
Poorly dealt bugs.
Powerpoint files. Not just as unrequested mail attachments but in most every use. (Just use html and quicktime/keynote mkay?)
Flash and browsers that don't allow to disable it.
Animated gifs
Journalists who can't spell correctly or who make my head hurt with the news titles...
Hey Mikuro and others.... looking good, I agree with you on politicians. How about those journalists that never ask a question worth a dime. The "don't want to rock the boat" kind. Or those who speak (or are on camera) more then the invited guest.
A real peeve is the person with bad faith and will never admit he or she is WRONG!!!!
Oh, one for the road. The "friend" at the bar that never even tries to pay a round, although he's downed everybody elses. Cheap skates, what. Cheers.
My pet peeves.

1) People who think they can run MY life
2) People not putting Garbage pieces in trash receptacles less than 25 yards away (mainly a problem in American cities).
3) Red Light sleepers. The ones when a traffic light turn green sit at the light for over 10 seconds not moving, holding up cars stuck behind them.
4) Racism
5) Political correctness gone over the edge.
6) MacHaters that never even touched a Macintosh computer and act more like product cheerleaders. They pass along so-called tech news that is blatantly false.
Just three:

  • Radio DJs
  • Dog owners who let their mutts crap on the pavement/sidewalk
  • Nazis (including religious fascists)
Aaaagh. They drive me mad!!!
Hm... lets see:

- If I'm in a hardware store and there isn't any staff anywhere.
- If I'm in a supermarket and the person in front of me in the queue has 50 things and I only have 1 or 2, and I need to wait forever
- Also Mac-haters (see Satcomer's post)
- That every day I find great software in a store or website and then I find out its Windows only.
How about that tool you need NOW!!!!! and you forgot you lent it to some clown months ago and he didn't have the good taste to remind you that you forgot to ask him for it back.
or "The check will be in the mail tomorrow"
Hm... lets see:
- If I'm in a supermarket and the person in front of me in the queue has 50 things and I only have 1 or 2, and I need to wait forever

I'll expand on that.
I hat when people in front of me have like 30 things and I have like 5 and its one of those supposedly fast 10 item or less checkout line.

(There are rather a lot of these... I could go on for ages, but I'll give everybody else a chance first.)

1. Anything that costs "99¢".

2. The way in which your boss chews his food in the most annoying way humanly possible.

3. The smell of a particularly arrogant coworker passing your office.

4. When it takes a Microsoft Minute to save a file.

5. The sound of an alarm clock, shortly followed by the chilling feeling of stripping blankets off.

6. The look a teenager gives you when he thinks his car is better than yours.

7. The sound a time clock makes when operated on a Monday morning.

8. When an ignorant (See: "Radical") person flies off the handle at the instance of any esoteric idea.

9. The awkward feeling of watching George Bush's boyish grin after managing to string two complete thoughts together.

10. The awkward feeling of being an intelligent American.
I'll expand on that.
I hat when people in front of me have like 30 things and I have like 5 and its one of those supposedly fast 10 item or less checkout line.
And one step further...
I hate it in those supposedly same express lanes, when people use interact or a creit card instead of real money.
Nothing slows a line down more then a card that will not scan or the machine is bogged down, and of course the person doesn't have a dollar on them, so we all get to wait.

And more
- people of any age screaming or crying and being loud (including babies and teenagers)
- all jingles on all radio shows (they all sound just wrong, so no wonder I never listen to radio volentarily)
- medias with the big city or big country syndrome (when all the media in a region or in a country only circles about the most important thing on earth that they are telling that all the world is interested in, and which usually isn't mentioned anywhere else at all)
- bloated code (keep code clean to achieve what it should, and don't just dump more code and hope it works)
"reality" shows anyone?
Not all are bad.

People complain about TV whilst forgetting how grim life used to before it arrived. As Jeremy Clarkson (Top Gear) recently commented, would you rather watch 'Big Brother' or sit in your living room watching your toothless grandpa washing himself in a cast-iron bath?