Note: I just joined the site and looked around for a forum to fit this need, and I was debating between this and hardware, but this is a little off topic, so I thought here would be best, if you want to move this feel free.
So hey macosx! I feel weird being on this site using a PC, is that against the rules? hehe I'm half kidding ... is it?
Anyway for a good majority of my life I have been very anti Apple/Mac computers. I actually have said on a few occasions I HATE MACS! But then I started to go to college for Photography, and BOY was I wrong. Macs for graphic work and video work is the only way to go.
I have always been a Sony type guy, I've had Sony Vaio Laptops and Desktops. About a year ago I had a Vaio Desktop that was made for video editing (had a built in TV tuner/graphics card ugh I miss it) but we had a flood in our basement at my house SIX FEET of WATER ... it sucked, so I bought a Vaio Laptop. This was right when I started college, and had only used the iMacs at our school for about a week. I was thinking about getting a Mac .. but thought eh kind of a bad idea because I didn't know much about them. After almost a year of using them in class, I WANT A MAC SOO BAD. For about 1/2 a year I have made my Windows XP look like Mac OS X, but it really slowed my computer down.
I just reformatted my computer, and it's back to normal (non-Mac style). It's depressing. I miss the object bar, and other things, and besides it really wasn't a Mac, so now I am in the market for an Apple computer.
I already have my Vaio Laptop so I don't think a apple laptop is my way to go, but I don't know if I should get a iMac or a Power Mac or even the Mac mini. I don't really know too much about buying Macs. The main thing I would be running on it would be Photoshop, and I HATE how my laptop is always so slow at loading images, and editing large files from my Digital SLR.
So what would you recommend? What are the differences in the Macs? Oh and what's the difference between Mac OS X Tiger, and Mac OS X Panther, and Mac OS X Safari? I am clueless as to which to buy.
One last thing, Is it possible to watch tv/vcr/ect (you know TV tuner/Red Yellow White cables into the computer, and record onto a Mac?) I also do video editing.
Thanks for any information you reply with. Sorry for being so new.
- speXedy