Hmmm interesting discussion wich is as old as the way to Rome. Ahm.. nothing really new under the sun. Those who favor the new policy don't show the legal base it is based on cause it seems more like the oldfashioned "trick to hear yourself talk: "This is my house and i can do whatever i like"
Well think again: Wrong.
I am not going to summon up all legal rules cause that it's kid'stuff but i will try to put it in plain english.
This forum is not "as in your house"
Your house is a piece of property inside a country wich you rent or own.Neverthless you still can't do everything inside your own house.The law is clearly on that. Using those "rules"is just to cover youself in for troubles.Old trick,doesn't always work that way.
Let's put it more clearly: If you use those socalled social (by law)rules of real-life as a way to make your point, fine... BUT then you are also abliged to honor the rights! of those same people.In other words IF your socalled "Houserules" neglect the civil right someone has, your set rules are invalid.
Let's have an example:
I am invited in your house. we differ on politic's and you don't like to hear the name of a certain politician who isn't a racist or whatever but just your average politician and because of that you wanna throw me out of your house, you are breaking the law cause you neglected my rights as a citizen to use my freedom of expression cause as it says clearly that "no one can be stripped of his rights to express himself in the open or within certain borders"Despite that you don't like it it still gives you NOT the right to trown me out.
It is different if i start to threaten you or hurt anyone in your family thusfar bringing danger to your house and property.You as a host has a certain dutycare for his guest.Don't believe it, check the facts on human rights and the convictions regarding this matter.
So... If I wanna talk about warez or whatever i am allowed to speak about it.NO law prohibits that cause talking about it is not wrong, having it, is wrong! BIG diference! Despite that someone is waving with "But my rules state"" those rules differ with the real set rules set by law(one uses so dearly to set houserules regarding warez etc) wich allowes everyone to speak his mind freely, your socalled "houserules"are invalid,plain and simple!Thus no one has to follow them up. And if you still do whatever you like. Good.. you are free to be held accountable for your actions irl.
One cannot use on the other hand the wellknown law to set the rules but on the other hand don't wanna hear about the rights people have.This is not a dictatorship or even the censorburo but the worldwide web, where there are certain rules set, but also alot of freedom.Anyone..i repeat anyone who wanna temper that freedom of expression(except those who misuse it to threaten etc folks or whatever) should be held accountable for their action.
So to conclude it all:
Lighten up and don't misuse the freedom of the worldwide web to become a part of the censorburo cause the talk about:"It is part of preserving the honesty or purity of the web" is alot of BS!
So i have spoken...
Well think again: Wrong.
I am not going to summon up all legal rules cause that it's kid'stuff but i will try to put it in plain english.
This forum is not "as in your house"
Your house is a piece of property inside a country wich you rent or own.Neverthless you still can't do everything inside your own house.The law is clearly on that. Using those "rules"is just to cover youself in for troubles.Old trick,doesn't always work that way.
Let's put it more clearly: If you use those socalled social (by law)rules of real-life as a way to make your point, fine... BUT then you are also abliged to honor the rights! of those same people.In other words IF your socalled "Houserules" neglect the civil right someone has, your set rules are invalid.
Let's have an example:
I am invited in your house. we differ on politic's and you don't like to hear the name of a certain politician who isn't a racist or whatever but just your average politician and because of that you wanna throw me out of your house, you are breaking the law cause you neglected my rights as a citizen to use my freedom of expression cause as it says clearly that "no one can be stripped of his rights to express himself in the open or within certain borders"Despite that you don't like it it still gives you NOT the right to trown me out.
It is different if i start to threaten you or hurt anyone in your family thusfar bringing danger to your house and property.You as a host has a certain dutycare for his guest.Don't believe it, check the facts on human rights and the convictions regarding this matter.
So... If I wanna talk about warez or whatever i am allowed to speak about it.NO law prohibits that cause talking about it is not wrong, having it, is wrong! BIG diference! Despite that someone is waving with "But my rules state"" those rules differ with the real set rules set by law(one uses so dearly to set houserules regarding warez etc) wich allowes everyone to speak his mind freely, your socalled "houserules"are invalid,plain and simple!Thus no one has to follow them up. And if you still do whatever you like. Good.. you are free to be held accountable for your actions irl.
One cannot use on the other hand the wellknown law to set the rules but on the other hand don't wanna hear about the rights people have.This is not a dictatorship or even the censorburo but the worldwide web, where there are certain rules set, but also alot of freedom.Anyone..i repeat anyone who wanna temper that freedom of expression(except those who misuse it to threaten etc folks or whatever) should be held accountable for their action.
So to conclude it all:
Lighten up and don't misuse the freedom of the worldwide web to become a part of the censorburo cause the talk about:"It is part of preserving the honesty or purity of the web" is alot of BS!
So i have spoken...