Unfortunately, I missed out on the meat of the discussion a few weeks ago because of finals. Thank you MDLarson for defending our faith (Christianity), and wish I had been there to help, although I don't agree with you on everything (esp. the Creation stuff).
My father is a geophysicist and a Christian (believes in the Bible, that Jesus' lived a perfect life, his death was the only way to God, and practices what the Bible says) whose experiences have led him to believe that God used evolution as a tool for Creation. There is a website that states a lot about what some Christian Geologists believe, and when I get the address from my friend, I will post it.
Being a Christian does take faith, yes, but I believe that reason is just as much a part of it as any of your religions (or antireligions). There are a great number of true Christians who have reasoned their faith, and everyday I strive to do the same. A good example is C.S. Lewis, who wrote Mere Christianity, a wonderful work explaining how faith is a function of reason.
Someone previously had said that they believed in mathematics, because it made sense, well sure it does, but there are many things it fails to explain. No integral (whether surface, double, triple, definite, indefinite, regardless of coordinate system), sequence or series (convergent by any test, including Ratio, Alternating Series, Integral, Comparison, Limit Comparison), solid angle, inhomogenous linear differential equation, or anything else can explain something so simple as love (I assume many of us here like math, so I thought that sentence would be funny). I don't believe science will ever be able to explain certain things, and for this reason, I disagree with the statement that as modern science progresses, religion becomes obselete.
Unfortunately, there are hundreds and thousands of bad examples of Christians (aforementioned priests, crusaders, and the like) who tarnish the truth of Jesus. But, as the Bible says (whether you believe its doctrine or not), all men are sinners (do wrong, bad things), and Christians often succumb to tempation, that is our nature as humans.
I'll post more of my thoughts as they come.
BTW I am so glad school is out