Repent for being a Mac user!!

Originally posted by xoot
An anonymous comment about this thread:

<****> Oh, and *****, if you're bored and you don't mind reading through some sludge, would you look through the "Repent for being a Mac user" thread and tell me what you think about RacerX's comments?


Hahaha xoot. Good one. ;)
I completely agree! :D


The only thing that would make it better would be if they didn't have to read through your sludge to find my comments... but hey, intellectual content was never your strong suit. ;)
Originally posted by AdmiralAK
Actually the pope only has "power" over teh catholics ;) The anglican church's head is the King of England, Greek orthodox, russian orthodox too have their own church leaders. I am not sure what leadership body reigns over episcopilians, baptists and whatnots.

We Brits have a king? ;)
ok, time to bring this thread back. i may have to reread some of it over the next few days, but i know i owe an explanation for why the Jews don't except Jesus as the Mesiah.

First, this goes to what i was talking about with the Christians selectively accepting certain texts and traditions of Judaism and not others. In the talmud, (i believe - it might also be in the bible), there is a very strict set of prescriptions for the characteristics of the mesiah. Christians tend to cling to the one that says he will be descended from King David. They tend to ignore the one that says he will not change jewish law. Jesus attempted to change jewish law when he said it was ok to eat pork and other such things - that those old ways no longer mattered if they believed in him. In essence, this was like declaring oneself a false prophet. This went against all previous communications of God. which in turn goes against the basic understanding of God as unchangable. which also goes against the idea that the mesiah would be a human leader, not God incarnate. In other words, if jesus was God, then God had been lying to them in the past. and the concept of God lying was and is unbelievable.
Originally posted by benpoole

We Brits have a king? ;)

wow this is taken from a while back :p
Well technically they should, but with the state of the monarchy in the UK I doubt that charles is going to be crowned any time soon lol :p

ANyway, the anglican church made the king head cause the kind wanted to divorce his wife but the catholic church did not allow it, so he said to hell with it and made his own branch of christianity :p
Uh, believe me, I know how the Church of England came about...


I was just making the point that the head of the church isn't necessarily the king -- cos we don't have one -- but the monarch.

So the Queen is currently the head of the CoE.
Ask uoba, he has a hard copy. Maybe he can fax it to you :D

I have printed this article and I am keeping it forever. Wow Wow Wow!!!!! This article has cheered me up for the next couple of months!!! (see first page)
I remember this article when it first came out... I'd just like to remind people that this is an extreme minority position under the banner of Christianity. I am a Christian and I (obviously) do not have a religious problem with Macs or Apple.
Originally posted by MDLarson
I remember this article when it first came out... I'd just like to remind people that this is an extreme minority position under the banner of Christianity. I am a Christian and I (obviously) do not have a religious problem with Macs or Apple.

It was a parody. Parody parody parody. Not for real. Their bios claimed they were professors of subjects that don't exist at universities that don't exist. Nobody at all really believes that, mkay?
I for one did believe the website at first, like most here. But I'm probably forgetting half of what was talked about here anyway (including any post that claimed it was a hoax.)

Thanks for the info though... :)