Originally posted by xray
If that doesn't work for you try this:
defaults write com.apple.Safari IncludeDebugMenu 0
thanks..that did the trick!
Originally posted by xray
If that doesn't work for you try this:
defaults write com.apple.Safari IncludeDebugMenu 0
Originally posted by senne
you know what would be really good. Browse the web togheter with Rendezvous!
Ok, it's a stolen idea from the new feature in MSN 8/9/? . Ohwell..Everybody steals.
Originally posted by dlloyd
Wow, and who was saying we wouldn't find this until WWDC?
I guess someone from Apple must have read this!
Originally posted by fryke
Rendezvous is for local networks.
Originally posted by Ripcord
Cool, tabbed browsing is great!
I think my girlfried is going to develop some kind of split-personality disorder if I change the default browser on the Mac again, so default will stay Camino for a while =)
Of course, I notice that they still can't get the "maximize" option right. Why can't Apple figure out that the "maximize" option should expand windows horizontally AND vertically???
(for that matter, why does OS X insist on auto-putting desktop icons UNDER the Dock??)
Originally posted by fryke
Rendezvous is for local networks.
Originally posted by fryke
actually the "+" icon you're talking about is not 'maximize' really. it's a 'zoom' button, which makes the current document fit into the window. web pages, since they are usually so long, don't really take full advantage of this feature .... so it seems like the page just 'maximizes vertically'.
Originally posted by senne
wow, you can give shortcuts to your bookmarks! Alright!
macosx.com = apple+ 1![]()
Originally posted by ~~NeYo~~
Originally posted by senne
when you put a link in the bookmarks bar, it gets a shortcut (see bookmarks>bookmarks bar)
The one at the most left gets apple + 1, second = apple + 2, etc..