Safari Beta 2 (v73) officially out!

or you could duplicate a really important bookmark and put it next to the bookmarkfolders

(look at pic, my explaination is not that good i think)


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All I have to ask for now is the ability to open multiple "home" pages, in multiple tabs, right off the bat. I would really like for it to open let's say google, slashdot, macosx, and resexcellence with every new window with google as the selected tab. Sound feasible?
One thing Apple can add to Safari, regarding tabbed browsing, would be an icon to add more tabs, in addition to Apple-T. Just like Mozilla....

I find that v73 loads up faster on my system now.

Anyone notice that after the 10.2.5 update, if you typed a website in v60, it would say that it couldn't find the server - but if you typed it again, it would go through?

oh well! v73 fixed that! :->
This is great that Apple have brought in tabbed browsing. I'm so used to using tabs in Mozilla on my Windows box. Great love for Safari now.
hmmm i've had tabbed browsing for a while.... since 62! But i wont get the pre beta releases, i'll just get the public releases, and wait patiently. Or maybe i'll just see what's coming in the next version.
Well, this is all very well and cool, but they seem to have broken a number of keybindings that exist in every other browser. Namely, CMD+left and CMD+right to go forward and backward have been replaced with CMD+[ and CMD+] respectively... WTF? I don't get why this had to be done this way.. :(

Also, notice that the prefs key has changed from CMD+; to CMD+, - and that they mention that the HIG's have changed for this one... See the keyboards shortcut page from the debug menu for all the gorey details...

So much for consistency... :mad: :(

Maybe I just need something to gripe about... well, at least I can browse with tabs in Safari with a clearer concience now... :rolleyes:

Edit: I (mostly) take it back... CMD+left,right seem to work after all. Sort of... it works at least some of the time, but when it doesn't, CMD+[ and CMD+] do... hrm....

Originally posted by Ripcord
Of course, I notice that they still can't get the "maximize" option right. Why can't Apple figure out that the "maximize" option should expand windows horizontally AND vertically???
Tha "maximize" or "zoom" button in Mac OS has always expanded a window as much as it needs to in any direction. So if you click on that button in a browser it will change the size of the window to accomodate as much of the page as is possible. So if a page has a vertical scroll bar it will expand the window vertically until there is either no scroll bar or until the window is the same height as the screen. If there is a horizontal scroll bar it will expand the window horizontally until the scroll bar goes away or until the window is the same width as the screen.

If I understand you correctly you are talking about clicking a button and having the window fill the screen, as it does in Windows. Personally I have always found that behaviour to be despicable. I don't want my windows to be any larger than they need to be.
Originally posted by JohnnyX12
All I have to ask for now is the ability to open multiple "home" pages, in multiple tabs, right off the bat. I would really like for it to open let's say google, slashdot, macosx, and resexcellence with every new window with google as the selected tab. Sound feasible?
Select the bookmarks view (Bookmarks > Show All Bookmarks -or- Command Option B -or- click on the Bookmarks icon in the Bookmarks Bar). Select the Bookmarks Bar (first item) and then click on the "+" button at the bottom of the right column. Give the folder a name and put a couple of items in it. Now switch back to the regular view and click on that folder in the Bookmarks Bar. At the very bottom of the menu you will see an option to "Open in Tabs". Select this option and watch what happens.
The tabs in Safari are great. Speed seems fine as well. But Safari now has autofill. That's enough to make me a happy surfing camper. :)
hmmm...I'm very old. I am 13. I'm surprised this forum hasn't died out yet, most discussions about new releases go away quickly. Meh.
Ok, safari v50 was the first public release, right? Safari v60 was the second. And now, the third public release, v73, is somehow 2!?
Or is that just like beta 2, cuz it's a new and improved browser?
Am i asking too many questions?
Androo, I think you missed his joke by a bit. He was saying you were old because you said you have had tabbed browsing since 62, which can be easily taken to mean 1962 by the way you said it.

As for this being beta 2 when it has been the third public release, thats because the second wasn't another beta release, it was a bug fix. Either way, its just terminology, this is the third pre-release version publically available. Apple is calling it beta 2, you can call it beta 3 if you want.
Well, I'm glad they added tabs. (Not that I cared, but a lot of people did.) I also am glad they added autofill....It's one of the features of Camino that I love....And the speed on some pages has been improved. That said, I had Safari crash on me 4 times in a row on Xanga. Xanga doesn't really work well with any Mac browser, and it and Safari have never played nicely together. But, when all I am doing is selecting which color I want my background to be by clicking a link, it shouldn't crash the entire browser- especially repeatedly. And fear not, dear readers, I have filed bug reports about it before-so maybe they will fix it. Apple listened to me when I told them the searches didn't work on Circuit The page would show up blank when you searched for something. I submitted a bug report about it, and it works now. So, I know they're listening. To me, that's the beauty of beta software: you get to test it and offer input on how it turns out, but you also don't have to use it if you don't want to because it's not the gold master. So, I chose not to use this build. That's the only glaring problem I can think's mostly a good build. :)
it is rather a good build - (and i know that someone mentioned it already) but what with the maximize button? either won't work or won't maximize properly.
Originally posted by drustar
it is rather a good build - (and i know that someone mentioned it already) but what with the maximize button? either won't work or won't maximize properly.
yea thats weird and annoying..
gwynarion: Yea, i figured that out, it was just two more clicks than I wanted(yes, I am that lazy); and I would prefer to not have the bookmarks bar. Thanks though. :)
I have issues with reloading and tabs. Say i have 5 tabs open and i go back to the first one, my safari seems to get confused on where it is sometimes. I'll hit reload and it will reload the page in the last tab instead of the correct one. I dont' remember exactly what i was doing so it's hard to re-create.
Originally posted by JohnnyX12
All I have to ask for now is the ability to open multiple "home" pages, in multiple tabs, right off the bat. I would really like for it to open let's say google, slashdot, macosx, and resexcellence with every new window with google as the selected tab. Sound feasible?

Swing on over to Mac OS X Hints. There is a hint documenting how to do just that. (Note that you need to have Apple's GUI Scripting Beta for this hint to work, and it doesn't appear to be the most elegant solution).