Show Your Dock

Here's mine, a tad boring because I just woke up, but the standard items are there :-p


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Originally posted by simX

I keep 'em grouped. Notice that at the left, you have all the system level stuff and preferences (Finder, Memory Usage Getter, RealEject, DockRestarter, System Preferences, Classic). Then comes the web-browsing/e-mail stuff (, Address Book, OmniWeb, Internet Explorer, Fetch). Next comes multimedia and music apps (QT Player, iTunes, PlayerPro, Unsanity Echo, Mint Audio, Melody Assistant). Searching stuff comes next (Sherlock, Locator, Watson). Next comes chat and messaging clients (Fire, JediKnight, Proteus, IcyJuice, ICQ). The middle is basically pretty convoluted, except there's the definite section for word processors (TextEdit, SimpleText, AppleWorks). Towards the end it gets more organized again, what with compression tools (Stuffit Expander, DropStuff, DropTar, DropZip), programming tools (Project Builder, Interface Builder, IconComposer, Pic2Icon), games (EV Nova, Oni, StarCraft, Myst III: Exile, GridX), and then tools and docklings (ResEdit -- DANGIT I WANT IT NATIVE!, Memory Monitor, SlashDock, SETIdockling, and Vanity Dockling).

So except for the middle, its pretty well organized and I know just about where everything is. :)

I think a tabbed Dock would really help in my case. :D

4 ICQ clients in the dock!? 4!! And both fire AND proteus? What's the point!?:p


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I will post my dock when I get home.

Oh and sithious you are not alone (kindof) mine was on the left side.

But I've been using it on the bottom recently because it takes up valuable horizontal screenspace on my 1024x768 ibook screen :(
Originally posted by sithious
here's mine ... am i the only one to have it upright at the left? :D

Nope! :D

It's not as full as I normally have it... just haven't put everything back from when I reinstalled things...


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Can you believe I had 2 kernel panics during the process of taking this shot, mking it a jpg and posting it?


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ACK!!! Noooo!!! The horror!
Please someone wake me from this nighmare!!!

Suddenly satanicpoptart does not seem as evil anymore! :p :D
Originally posted by julguribye

4 ICQ clients in the dock!? 4!! And both fire AND proteus? What's the point!?:p

And who's the one that has 3 HL clients in the Dock? They're not even grouped together! *** simX shakes his head.

Anyway, may I make a suggestion to everybody? Go to the Snapz Pro X website, and download Snapz Pro X 1.0.2.

It seems like some of you are using the standard Command-Shift-3 and Command-Shift-4 functions. Trust me, Snapz Pro X is just sooooooo much better, and it can even capture movies! :)

And if you are using it, use the "Objects" button instead of a selection. Then use shift-click to select objects. If you simply select the Dock as the only object, it will automatically take a picture of only the Dock and no extra pixels. :) Plus you can specify the format of the file, the size (if you want to scale it), and the quality. It just automates screen capture just so well.
$30 to $50 bucks? Dawng... kinda steep dont 'ya think? I'm not made outta money you know. :p

I've been looking at it before but the price always pushed me away. Need money for other things.

But I kept more than just the dock on the screen shot on purpose. :D
yes, i apreciate you showing off your dual cpu mac! i really do, it just makes me feel really hip with my 466 g4... and hey! my dock at least takes up less pace, and it doesnt eat 90% of my cpu. here is my osx dok:


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and heres my partitions and note, i made a parrtition "Vic" my home folder! so i have os x on another partition and os 9 in my home folder which in this case is a partition named vic.


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satanicpoptart, I believe the term used was "less evil". Not "not evil". :D

And here's my dock. I'm at work, btw... :D


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