Show Your Dock

Originally posted by simX

And if you are using it, use the "Objects" button instead of a selection. Then use shift-click to select objects. If you simply select the Dock as the only object, it will automatically take a picture of only the Dock and no extra pixels. :) Plus you can specify the format of the file, the size (if you want to scale it), and the quality. It just automates screen capture just so well.

Um... I downloaded it and... I can't get the dock nomater what I try.... I can get everything else like the top menu, the time, any app running... but no dock...

Oh... nevermind...

It will not take a pic of a dock if the dock is in Hide mode (even though I have my cursor on it to keep it showing), and it cuts off part of the dock if you have magnification on (with the curser on an icon)...

Kinda annoying... but it works I guess. :p
Originally posted by simX

And who's the one that has 3 HL clients in the Dock? They're not even grouped together! *** simX shakes his head.

Ha! I knew you would say that;)
Let me explain.
The black one is hotline server,
The red one is hotline client for using as admin on the server,
The black and red one is for browsing other than my server.
Sorry about the evil. I was just trying to share the agony. I go home, work on a wonderful system, then come to work. To this. Ugh. :p

I forgot to get a pic of my OS X dock -- it's not very exciting, since I have most of my stuff in a folder on the dock. But I'll try to remember to post it when I get home...
Eh, I guess it's ok nkuvu... I'm about to be in the same boat as you, as I'll be moving most (if not all) my studio and Mac to my home office as soon as I get a desk delivered.

I'll be using a Windows box at the office (current studio) as I will still be coming in to do work for my friend/boss and use the T1. :D

The only thing I'm going to miss is the high speed T1 connection - 56k Dialup is going to drive me nuts! :(

But my PeeCee will still be here - I just have to find a P2P software for Windows that does not have spyware (maybe the "retail" version of Limewire?).
Seeing as my Mac OS X dock is fairly unremarkable, here is my OPENSTEP 4.2 dock (as it appeared in my ThinkPad before upgrading to Rhapsody 5.1).


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And here is the dock on my desktop Rhapsody system (I don't actually use the dock in Rhapsody that much because I like my Apple Menu better).


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OK, so u know i am "Mac-Less" For the time Being... but i am here in spirit! ;)

Here' Mine! ...


For Those of u, not knowing me, this Dock is From my ...

AMD Athlon 900MHz
Windows XP (Blah Blah!)



(hehe, the mods 2 XP are F**king Brilliant! :D)
Originally posted by ksuther
Very nice Neyo :)
So uh, what mac you getting?

thanks! ..hmmm... i'm not sure! ... i had been thinking, iMac.. but a laptop could be handy too... so Either iMac of TiBook!

...Probably an iMac Though ... it will inevitably be the envy of all PC, Beige Lovers! hehe! :D

I'm Looking 4ward 2 gtting it in the summer! i do miss OS X ... although, i have it (2 some degree here! ;))

The one thing i love now ... is my iDisk... Completely accesable like it was on my iBook! ... i just Click the Drive from my Desktop... and Drag and drop files! it's Great!
its nice 2 see it work with Windows :D (no pun intended! LOL!!! )

Hey Neyo, how did you get XP to look like OSX? I'm getting XP on my PeeCee and would like to fool some people (I already fooled someone that I can run Windows 2000 Pro on my Mac! They totally bought it! I love VPC! lol)

I love my Mac G4 Tower, and I'd die for a new iMac... but seeing my computer habits and needs - I need a laptop (in addition to my G4 Tower that is)! And if it's a Laptop I want a G4... so if it was me, I had the money and given the choice - I'd probably get a Ti Power Book over the iMac...

But don't listen to me... I'm torn between the two! (not to mention I'm utterly broke so a new computer purchase is not in my near future) :( :D
This is my OS X dock. Like I said, not very interesting. Program to the right of the Finder is X3 -- a 3D CPU monitor.


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Originally posted by Tormente
Hey Neyo, how did you get XP to look like OSX? I'm getting XP on my PeeCee and would like to fool some people (I already fooled someone that I can run Windows 2000 Pro on my Mac! They totally bought it! I love VPC! lol)

I love my Mac G4 Tower, and I'd die for a new iMac... but seeing my computer habits and needs - I need a laptop (in addition to my G4 Tower that is)! And if it's a Laptop I want a G4... so if it was me, I had the money and given the choice - I'd probably get a Ti Power Book over the iMac...

But don't listen to me... I'm torn between the two! (not to mention I'm utterly broke so a new computer purchase is not in my near future) :( :D

haha! Thanks dude! ... i'll take it into consideration! for Windows XP ... u're'll want a few things really, besides time 'n' effort! ... Namely a tool named Resource hacker ... which allows u to edit exe's/dll's etc! ... from there, u can change Icons, Bitmaps and loads more! ....

here's a shot of my machine, with various "tweaks"

Besides U're own "hacks" ... u can get a variety of 3rd party software ... which will make the major difference from a Luna --> Aqua Feel!

i suggest u check out and look @ the "object Desktop" suite, which offers software, to customize XP. For which the majority can be downloaded as restricted shareware applications! ;)

(one of the neat extra's from Stardock is "spring folders" which i am sure u are familar with. Something my XP Does, that i know a lot of u OS X users wih u had (i know, soon 2 be! hehe)

Anyhow... here's a shot of my machine, in its native state!

all icons hacked and changed, the default toolbar, for XP was edited, and the Bitmaps Res hacked too ... ermm... see 4 yaself! ;) if u wanna know more! ... Holla @ me Dude ;)


as u can see, not perfect ... but a damn site better than Luna, huh? :)
(Sorry For the Quality! ...Resized!)
