Show Your Dock

Originally posted by ksuther
Yes, look what you did you pop-tart you ;)
I think Neyo's dock takes the cake for coolest, and simX takes messiest, most disorganized and largest dock :)

Haha! thanks Dude! how Ironic though?! ...after all, out of ALL the Docks... mine was the only one, not actually on OS X! lol!

I'm Deffo looking forward 2 getting a nice new mac in the Summer! ... In the Meantime! ... i guess i need to keep hacking away @ these *Beloved* DLL's! windows! :rolleyes: LOL!

Originally claimed by ~~NeYo~~
...after all, out of ALL the Docks... mine was the only one, not actually on OS X! lol!

I posted two examples of docks not in Mac OS X.
heres mine with fresh grass from guess which ones is always running:p


  • dokk.jpg
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Voice- and I are the only ones proud of our RtCW gaming!!:D


  • uobadocky.jpg
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Well, you know, uoba, when you launch the same app twice a day, it deserves a spot in the dock
I try to keep it simple.

On the right side:
Apple icon-- Apps
Desktop-- Opens Desktop in Column View to preview d/l'ed mp3s and mpgs quickly.
iTunes-- You guessed it :D
Guitar-- Music folder
Blob-- Server aliases
Does anyone else accidentally run their mouse over the picture of other peoples docks? I have many times, it such a thing of ease that whenever i see it i have to make it magnify so i can see what all of those apps are!


  • dock.jpg
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My dock... try to keep to a min, so I get bigger icons... im old, my eyes are getting bad. lol


  • mydock.jpg
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Originally posted by PowermacG4_450
My dock... try to keep to a min, so I get bigger icons... im old, my eyes are getting bad. lol

yet you play wolfenstain, that is and old man to be proud of ;)
Ok, I'll bite. (Most terrestrial tortoises are herbivores anyway :D )

What's up with the grass in the dock?
RyanLang, where did you and how did you get Grass on the dock? It's so cool.

Is there an installer for it?

Thanks, al