Show Your Dock

>genghiscohen> what is that xdarwin icon with tht green thingy arround it? and where did u get those 3 cpu monitoring apps in the dock from
That's OroborOSX, an Aqua-ish window manager for XDarwin. The monitors are ThermoInDock on the left, Cycles (a 3rd-party CPU monitor), and Memory Monitor.
OroborOSX is great. Best window manager for os x. I love how you can do os x stuff like minimize the windows to the dock.
Originally posted by googolplex
OroborOSX is great. Best window manager for os x. I love how you can do os x stuff like minimize the windows to the dock.

you mean best window manager for xfree86 right?
Now this is more like it...
This is what my dock normally looks like, without the clutter of having everything and it's mother on the dock! :D

And that is not my Applications folder, I created a folder in my home directory for Aliases, so I can sort and organize them.

I just wish Finder would sort contents by Folders first... hate having folders in the middle of my file listings!


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You can sort folders to the beginning of Finder windows by using various "special" characters in their names, as in the attachment.


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Originally posted by genghiscohen
You can sort folders to the beginning of Finder windows by using various "special" characters in their names, as in the attachment.

Yeah... I hate doing that but I've resoted to it. Just annoying 'ya know? :p
Yes, look what you did you pop-tart you ;)
I think Neyo's dock takes the cake for coolest, and simX takes messiest, most disorganized and largest dock :)
I think there is something to be said for keeping the dock clean. I really can't image why I would want to store more than a few apps (the ones I use the most) in the main section.


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i have so many so if i ever need it its there and i dont have to go to the apps folder and scroll around... and sometimes drag and drop is great
Think those dock icons are big enough RacerX? I made mine really small, so since the space below it isn't used, I dumped lots of useless stuff into it :D
My icons get smaller as I open more things. An that is the area of my screen that I am most likely not to be using. All my windows start at the upper left and work their way right and down. Besides, vertical space is by far the most important on a display. Most docs are still designed to work with the 8.5" x 11" paper.

As for the amount of apps, I thing there are few people who have more than I do, I just don't keep them in the dock. There is a theory about how fast people can pick objects out of a list. In that theory, more than 10 items significantly slows a person's ability to find what they are looking for. Even moving through two submenus is faster than trying to pick an item out of a list of 50.


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Originally posted by RacerX
As for the amount of apps, I thing there are few people who have more than I do, I just don't keep them in the dock. There is a theory about how fast people can pick objects out of a list. In that theory, more than 10 items significantly slows a person's ability to find what they are looking for. Even moving through two submenus is faster than trying to pick an item out of a list of 50.

I'd beg to differ! I know just about where all of my items are – it's just that every once in a while I forget, and it takes me about 5 seconds to find it. It's much better keeping 88 things in my Dock as opposed to under 10, IMHO, because you don't have to go searching around for things in all of your Applications folders. Plus, I use all of my Dock apps pretty frequently, so I like having them in there.

All of you speak badly about my Dock. :( *sniff* *sniff* Don't talk about my Dock that way.

*** simX pats his poor Dock, and gives it another icon to munch on.

(On a side note, it's a shame that the Finder no longer allows you to do the "insert carriage return in a filename" trick :( .)
You can differ, I'm not saying that it is something that everyone has to do, I'm just pointing out what works in general. Apple's default Apple Menu items in Mac OS 9 is a great example of too many items. First thing I do when setting up someone's system in 9 is to put all those pointless items into their own folder in the menu. Then I make other folders for the items most used. Then I provide dividers so that you can see each section faster. Here is what my classic Apple Menu looks like (it actually has more items than the standard menu I would set up for my clients).


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