Someone try jaguar?


Mac fan
If someone try jaguar, please make a review of how it works.
if is usable now , being a beta
On OS X 10.2 right now... For 3 hours only. Installed it on an external harddisk. Fail to boot from iPod...

Don't know what if Quartz Extreme has enabled or not. But scrolling and Flash is faster. Flash is comparable with PeeCee machines now!!!!
Yes. But I wanna know if it is enabled or not. I don't know where can find the information.
How about live window resizing - any improvements with that? Anyone out there with more VRAM?
I love 10.2. Its SUPER FAST. Nice new pinwheel loading thingy,, prefrence panes, and more.

What I love most is the speed! I'll post some screen shots after while.
I'm still trying to install it. I installed it on my internal drive. When I started up it just stopped at a blue screen with a pointer that was unresponsive. I tried installing it on my iPod, that just plain didn't work. I'm about to try it on my external drive. I did catch a glimpse of the new aqua pinwheel. I love how the pointer has a tiny shadow.:D
Sounds awsome! Get some pics up here if you can guys!
And does anybody know what happened to 10.1.5? There were beta's floating around Carracho and it made me wonder if one of these is possible:

1) Apple decided to screw 10.1.5 and go straight to 10.2.
2) 10.1.5 is out right now and I should really try upgrading to 10.1.4.

Hehe, ever since I installed 10.1.3 I've failed to upgrade anything, so I'm far behind all of you guys. :)
Originally posted by Trip

1) Apple decided to screw 10.1.5 and go straight to 10.2.

No way, 10.2 won't probably be out for another four months ("late summer"). Anyway, we only got 10.1.4 a short while ago, and 10.1.5 has just been seeded to developers. What's your hurry? :D
Oh man! Apple-tab works in 10.2, but pushing shift while still holding down apple dosen't go in the other direction.:mad:

If you don't know what I'm talking about, go here.
Originally posted by wdw_
Oh man! Apple-tab works in 10.2, but pushing shift while still holding down apple dosen't go in the other direction.:mad:

If you don't know what I'm talking about, go here.

Does Apple + ` work in the Finder yet? I think it's so stupid that it bring up the "go to" prompt right now...

phatsharpie no:

As for software compatibility, it SUCKS. I cant run half my stuff in it. Games are slow.

Hey wdw, I saw you on carracho before. :P
Here's some pics



Minimized stuff in dock


Quicktime 6


System Prefs
Awesome screenshots WoLF! Hey quick question about iChat...

How do those speech bubbles really work out? Are they as annoying as I imagine them to be? Is there a way to turn them off?
I have 10.2 as well and I can tell you that the iChat bubbles aren't that bad. The pictures instead of just a name is great.

If someone with iChat wants to IM me, my name is wdw_.
OK. Here's something else I found out. iChat has an option between using balloons or boxes. Check the attachment.


  • ichatboxes.jpg
    57.7 KB · Views: 652
What servers do you guys hang out around on Carracho? And what's your user names? I want to visit you guys in real-chat sometime...and since the Chatrooms at arn't very...uhm...*fullfilling* carracho would be best.