Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
yo pez - you sound like a born again Christian. like you have just discovered something for the first time that you have ignored all along and now it has filled your life with unending joy. (like a pc could really do that)
so why don't you go find a windows/pc forum to brag about your brilliant discovery? after all it is clear that no one here has ever used a pc and never will.![]()
truthfully, why do you hang out here and post to every other thread? could it be you are still trying to convince yourself you made the right move? or could it be you are just the type of person who must try to convince others? what causes this deep seated need to 'evangalize'?
and keep making attacks upon mac users and you will quickly find yourself removed from this site by forces other than your own choice.
Attacks? Oh, I'm sorry, I'm not allowed to voice my opinion here? So let's get this straight... because I'm not satisfied with Apple right now I have to keep my mouth shut? Gimmie a break.
A forum is a place to express opinion. If you'd like to fly down to my place I'd be happy to put you up for a few nights while you can teach me how to appropriately make posts to a forum. I don't see any rules here that say how many posts I can make at a time or what I can and cannot think about when I react to someone else's post.
My deep seated need to "evangelize" comes from the fact that I've been a Mac (L)User for 20 years and I'm sick of Apple's campaigns that aren't getting the company anywhere.
As far as the "attacks" thing goes, that's your opinion. I'm not here to enable people to make up their own idealistic ways the world should work.
As far as threatening me with possible removal from this forum, I would say that you take your job as administrator too seriously. I'm sure if were bashing PCs all day long you wouldn't take the time to post back to me at all. So don't give me this double-standard crap, please. If you actually decide to READ some of my posts and develop a rap with me, maybe we can get someplace. But just assuming I'm here to bash Apple is pure ignorance on your part.