Test your real-world machine speed...

PowerBook 800 with "Processor Performance: Reduced"
Typical: 505 MIPS
Integer: 1.9 BIPS

PowerBook 800 with "Processor Performance: Highest"
Typical: 609 MIPS
Integer: 2.3 BIPS

(1 GB RAM)
Originally posted by Ricky

Typical instructions: 331.9 MIPS
Fast Integer instructions: 700.9 MIPS

iMac DV G3 400 MHz

Running no programs, except Dave networking....

(10 Billion instructions)

Typical Instructions: 705.8 mips (705 882 416)
Fast Integer Instructions: 2.6BIPS (2 631 579 184)

Only running G4 933 (QS), 1024ram, 10.1.5, geforce4mx
Tested with no programs running except some taskbar apps.

Typical Instructions: 600.0 MIPS
Fast Intiger Instructions: 2.2 BIPS

Running 10.1.5 (5S66)
768 MB Ram
800mhz G4 Tower
G4 1 GHz DP / 1.5GB RAM

Typical Instructions: 1.7 BIPS
Fast Intiger Instructions: 4.7 BIPS

By the way, the thread topic is a bit misleading. This program in no way is capable of measuring "your real-world machine speed", as no benchmarking program is capable of such a feat. Benchmarks are benchmarks and don't really accurately reflect real-world performance, particularly under a typical user's workload.
i didnt think a dual g4 would get twice the speed as mine unless this prog was optimized for dual processors O_o
Typical Instructions: MIPS 407.9
Fast Integer Instructions: MIPS 868.3

with nothing running, after a restart. OS 10.1.5.
The release notes for the program indicate that it is dual-processor aware:
Version History
V1.2 12/14/2001
Added support for multiple processors

CPU Monitor, PTH CPU Monitor, Grafboard and top all confirm this. Interestingly, top displays the usage as greater than 100% CPU usage -- topping out at around 175%. [I suspect this is due to the Finder, Dock, and various daemons running in the background.]
Typical instructions: 310.6 MIPS
Fast Integer instructions: 663.7 MIPS

now i know all these people with G4's who complain about speed are just whiners. :p
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
Typical instructions: 310.6 MIPS
Fast Integer instructions: 663.7 MIPS
Originally posted by Ricky
Typical instructions: 331.9 MIPS
Fast Integer instructions: 700.9 MIPS
iMac DV G3 400 MHz


Typical instructions: 370.1 MIPS
Fast Integer instructions: 785.3 MIPS
these results are exactly the same after a restart

on my iMac DV G3 400MHz, 192MB ram 10.1.5
that didnt have any other programs running (ex finder and speedx obviously)

mine's quite a bit quicker!

even with IE, stickeys and itunes (not playing) open
Fast Typical instructions: 356.5 MIPS
Integer instructions: 751.9 MIPS

Still faster. Whats the diff?