Test your real-world machine speed...

Elapsed Time 1.9 seconds
6991.8 MegaFlops -> 6.99 GigaFlops

I presume everyone is using the default settings for the fractal demo... (?)
when i leave it on default mode and set it to automatic mode, i can get anywere from 3.3 to 4.0 depending on the pattern
Originally posted by bbloke
Elapsed Time 1.9 seconds
6991.8 MegaFlops -> 6.99 GigaFlops

I presume everyone is using the default settings for the fractal demo... (?)

...interesting. Supposedly the new dual 1.25 can do 18 GigaFlops.

Typical instructions: 339.4 MIPS
Fast Integer instructions: 683.6 MIPS

Apps that were open:
internet explorer, kdx, finder, and speedx


Typical instructions: 339.6 MIPS
Fast Integer instructions: 767.3 MIPS

Apps that were open:
Finder, speedx
I find it funny that my G3 is faster than the G4's at identical MHZ, not bad for this old work horse!
Logged in as root:
Typical: 524.9 MIPS
Fast Integer: 2.0 BIPS
(at 10 billion instructions)
Fractal: 2428.3 Mega FLOPS

Logged in default user account (with Login items running):
Typical: 466.2 MIPS
Fast Integer: 1.8 BIPS
(at 10 billion instructions)
Fractal: 2271.8 Mega FLOPS

tested on iMac G4 15" 700Mhz CD-RW with 384MB RAM running OS X 10.1.5
My po' lil' Beige G3 scored:

Typical Instructions: 274.7 MIPS (36.40 sec)
Fast Integer: 583.1 MIPS (17.15 sec)

That's with nothing but the Finder open (after a fresh reboot) and a ssh session running from a PC @ work...

Must... get... G4... ZIF Upgrade....
with 10 billion

typical instruction 1.1 bips

fast integer 1.9 bips

a big whooooo to that one... i feel more secure with my procesing power now.
i noticed that the newer quicksilvers are scoring in the 500 range for typical while an older 4 pipeline g4 at 25%-60% less mhz is scoring twice as much(in my case 1.1 or twice as much). considering the off prosesory l2 cache and NO lvl 3 cache on the cpu's this seems a big posative for either 1. low pipelines or 2. dual systems.

the dual seems to make a big help, i would like to see a big comparisoin sheet from all the data... this is a great app..
great stuff Ricky!!

Very interesting chart. I would like to claim the prize for fastest iMac 400 DV!!

It would be good if you could add in the gigaflop readings (for those that did them). Then we can really see how much faster the G4s are than the G3s...

May be a new chart. If you dont want to ill do it some time
Typical instructions: 750.00 MIPS
Fast Integer instructions: BIPS 2.8

OS X 10.1.5
G4/450/AGP, 1.25 Gb Ram - PowerLogix G4/1Gig processor upgrade.
Feels like a new machine now. OS X was slow opening apps, jerky scrolling and sizing. Now it runs great. I'm using X full time now.