Test your real-world machine speed...

It could be expected there will be a bit of fluctuation in the value recorded for a particular model, as each person's Mac will be running different processes. My 1 GHz DP QuickSilver ran the tests without any other background processes, so that could account for the higher speed. Each person's specs will be slightly different as well, so we might not be comparing exactly similar machines! Additionally, try running the tests a few times at different intervals and you may notice a small degree of fluctuation in the values recorded. Taking all of these factors into account, I don't think the discrepancy you see is anything concerning.

You will notice there are also two 800 MHz QuickSilvers, two 500 MHz iBooks, two 400 MHz G4s, and two 400 MHz iMac DVs there too.
now...if only there were a program like this that would run on both macs and pcs....

personally, I like altivecfractal carbon for benchmarking macs...it renders fractals. It seems like this should be easy to port over to use as a common benchmark. hmm...
I get the feeling the main problem with benchmarking software is that the programs tend to be, in practice, not reliably cross-platform. It always feels the software is optimized for one hardware set or another, but not equally optimized for all architectures, thus skewing the results!

Anyone know of benchmarking software that has been properly optimized for different architectures so that we can make reasonably fair comparisons?
Originally posted by bbloke
You will notice there are also two 800 MHz QuickSilvers, two 500 MHz iBooks, two 400 MHz G4s, and two 400 MHz iMac DVs there too.
Three iMac DV 400's. :D One's way further up on the list.
My Blue & White tower (G3 350 overclocked to 400mhz, 512MB RAM, OS X.I.V, only the Finder running)
10 Billion Instructions
Typical: 366.7 MIPS
Fast Integer: 789.5 MIPS

My iceBook (G3 500mhz original model, 384MB RAM, OS X.I.V, only the Finder running)
10 Billion Instructions
Typical: 463.3 MIPS
Fast Integer: 985.2 MIPS
Here are the results for my brand new, dual processor 1 GHz machine:

1.8 BIPS Typical
4.8 BIPS Fast Integer

6991.8 Megaflops (or 6.991 Gigaflops)

Drove 500 miles round-trip to purchase it last week from the nearest Apple Store. I actually ordered one directly from Apple the day after they were announced, but it still hadn't shipped after 3 days and I canceled that order.
and for Ricky's chart, here's a dual 800 results
(10 millions instructions)

Typical : 1,4
Fast Integer : 3,7.

Still a good machine, though...

Ohh, and the Altivec Fractal Carbon results :
5,48 gigaflops.
Looks like I'm only the 2nd to post stats of the new PowerMacs:

Typical = 1.5 BIPS
Fast integer = 4.3 BIPS

Fractal = 6052.5 MFlops

Lets get that chart updated!!
does this:
10 Billion@Typical= 542.5 MIPS
10 Billion@Fast = 1,158 MIPS (1.16 BIPS)

My Powerbook G3/233 is currently disassembled, but I'd certainly like to use that to claim the 'slowest' prize. Just don't douse me in caca to celebrate the futility when I post the numbers.


Will test an iMac G3/333 Fruity Flavor tray-loader circa 8/1999. It's around here somewhere.
10 billion instructions

Typical: 657.9 MIPS
Fast-Int: 2.5 BIP

G4/867 with 1 GB RAM used in this test. Dual 1G machine was rendering video when I was playing around, so this is the fastest machine I could lay my hands on at the time.
10 billion instructions

Typical: 1.9 MIPS
Fast-Int: 5.1 BIP

This is the result from the Dual 1GB QSilver, not the newer DDR Ram model. It is running with 1.5GB Crucial ECC RAM. Vroom vroom!
Originally posted by plastic
10 billion instructions

Typical: 1.9 MIPS
Fast-Int: 5.1 BIP

This is the result from the Dual 1GB QSilver, not the newer DDR Ram model. It is running with 1.5GB Crucial ECC RAM. Vroom vroom!

1.9 MIPS, really? Not BIPS ?
My official results i guess

run with everything off

10 billion

typical 16.81 seconds @ 594.1 mips

fast 4.42 seconds @ 2.3 bips

Flop test

4.8 seconds @ 2816.1 megaflops

altivec deactivated (for comparo with g3 i suppose)

34.1 seconds @ 417.9 megaflops

G4 800mhz, 896mb ram, Radeon 7500 32mb ram, 40gb/60gb hd's

im slow :eek: