Test your real-world machine speed...

Originally posted by plastic

Just wondering how much RAM you have in your machine?

I have 896 megs. Three DIMMs. 1 original 128 meg, 1 Crucial 256 meg, and 1 512 from Mac Solutions.
My same 867 is a fraction faster than hazmat, and maybe it is because I have 1.5G RAM and all running on Crucial. Dunno if this is the reason.

Maybe some hardware guru can shed some light on this subject.
Huh. There are so many other variables, though. Maybe the amount of RAM you have, but I would think that test is more CPU-intensive, right? I would think that the reason is what we had running in the background. I had closed all apps, but there is other stuff taking up the processor. We could try running the test again, noting the % used of the CPU at the time. I can't do it until I get home, though.
ram shouldn't affect this benchmark. It should be soley dependant on your cpu. Active processes in the background will have an affect, and the only true way to measure how fast your cpu would be..would be if nothing at all was taking up cpu in the background. Ram shouldn't really affect this benchmark. Cpu and maybe cache...but i doubt even that.
hazmat, please do. I am very curious why even though we have the same machine but the benchmark results varies a little.
My 8600/300 Stock CPU under OS X:
274.3 MIPS Typical
545 MIPS Fast Integer

My 7300/G4/400 Upgraded under OS 9:
384 MIPS Typical
820 Fast Integer

It appears that OS 9 does give slightly slower results at times, since I remember my 8600/300 getting only 400-450 MIPS Fast Integer when I ran this under OS 9.

Oh, and despite this seemingly small gap between the two, the 7300 runs Oni at 30fps+ on Medium quality, while the 8600 chokes at 15-20fps on Lowest quality... 7300 has a Voodoo 3 and the 8600 has a Voodoo 5.
Well I planned on getting a new computer when the next models are released, I see no big problems till i render, which can be done while I sleep.

Typical: 367.2
Fast Int: 783.3

No big difference after a restart, a few apps run in the background. Entourage event and menu extras.
Running Illustrator, Photoshop, Explorer, Mail, Suitcase, BB Edit - ie - normal:


Quiting everything:


I have a silver G4, 867Mhz, 768Mb RAM, OS 10.1.5.
I shall be making a new speed chart soon, for everyone that added onto the results after I posted the first one. May possibly add the macosx.com screennames to it just for the heck of it. :)
Originally posted by Total Konfuzion
ram shouldn't affect this benchmark. It should be soley dependant on your cpu. Active processes in the background will have an affect, and the only true way to measure how fast your cpu would be..would be if nothing at all was taking up cpu in the background. Ram shouldn't really affect this benchmark. Cpu and maybe cache...but i doubt even that.

RAM affects the performance of a computer executing a given program. There is a term in computer architecture called spacial locality, which means if you have enough fast memory to hold all of the memory accesses that the CPU could ever make while executing a given program, then it will never have to access a larger and slower memory space to satisfy a given access. If the benchmarks y'all are running take up more space than what you have in main memory (your DIMMs) then someone with a larger main memory will get better performance, because the CPU won't have to access the hard-drive (which is extremely slow from the CPU's perspective) as much as a an identicle CPU that is attached to a smaller amount of main memory.
Just ran the test and results were....

Typical - 560.2 MIPS

Fast Integer - 1.2 BIPS.

Nothing running at all in the background.

These are meaningless to me. Could anybody explain what they mean and if I have a fast Mac??!! Thanks

600 MHz PowerPC G3
OS 10.2.4
Ah, this good old thread.
Power Mac G4 Dual 1 GHz, 1.25 GB DDR RAM, "WindTunnel" Edition

Typical: 1.6 BIPS
Fast Integer: 4.8 BIPS