i noticed that the newer quicksilvers are scoring in the 500 range for typical while an older 4 pipeline g4 at 25%-60% less mhz is scoring twice as much(in my case 1.1 or twice as much). considering the off prosesory l2 cache and NO lvl 3 cache on the cpu's this seems a big posative for either 1. low pipelines or 2. dual systems.
the dual seems to make a big help, i would like to see a big comparisoin sheet from all the data... this is a great app..
Very interesting chart. I would like to claim the prize for fastest iMac 400 DV!!
It would be good if you could add in the gigaflop readings (for those that did them). Then we can really see how much faster the G4s are than the G3s...
May be a new chart. If you dont want to ill do it some time