The Official War Room

Originally posted by toast
War is worse than Hell. Have you heard that: an American soldier has thrown a grenade on his own friends, killing 1 wounding 12 !

German student kills 16 fellow students and himself after being expelled.

Chinese restaurant manger kills 38 and sickens >400 by poisening a competitors food.

Korean man kills ~200 by setting a fire in a subway.

French gunman kills 8 and wounds 30 at a city council meeting.

So how is war worse than hell because of the incident you state?
yes the world is filled with madmen and it is already a scary place. but it is even scarier when 2 of them have control of nations and go to war with each other. :(
*Maybe not the right place to post this, please move it if necessary!*

I just heard Jane Goodall speak live last night (a very inspiring person, by the way. If you don't know who she is, well, I don't know what to think of you ;) ). But anyway, she mentioned some pro-peace stuff, and it started me thinking: it seems that many researchers and people of science are very pro-peace. I wonder if that is because they, unlike us in our busy materialistic lives, have spent so much time close to nature that some of it's tranquility has rubbed off on them...
Originally posted by binaryDigit
German student kills 16 fellow students and himself after being expelled.
Chinese restaurant manger kills 38 and sickens >400 by poisening a competitors food.
Korean man kills ~200 by setting a fire in a subway.
French gunman kills 8 and wounds 30 at a city council meeting.
So how is war worse than hell because of the incident you state?

Well, these madmen go to prison or to psychiatric institutes. At least :rolleyes:
I just heard Jane Goodall speak live last night (a very inspiring person, by the way. If you don't know who she is, well, I don't know what to think of you ;) ). But anyway, she mentioned some pro-peace stuff, and it started me thinking: it seems that many researchers and people of science are very pro-peace. I wonder if that is because they, unlike us in our busy materialistic lives, have spent so much time close to nature that some of it's tranquility has rubbed off on them...

I happen to be close to the scientific community (I'm a student in environmental sciences) and I can support that idea of many researchers being anti-war. I'm presently attending a symposium of the Canadian Water Network and although it's not a matter of official talk people are discussing the issue and I don't feel very much support for the war. Note that there's virtually no people there that could somehow be labelled as hippies, tree huggers or enviromental fundamentalists but it's rather a gathering of scientists/specialists and policymakers in various disciplines.

Disclaimer: I am in no way representative for the mentioned institution but only bring in my personal observations!
qwikstreet - very glad to hear your cousin is ok. i hope very much that he remains that way!! i fear that it will be sooner rather than later that this war starts to touch some of us in very personal and painful ways. i continue to pray that it ends soon.
Originally posted by binaryDigit
Are you saying the soldier that is responsible for the bombing in Kuwait will not be punished?

I don't know what will happen.
But most of the time, this type of crimes are eluded by military administration to preserve the army's reputation and image. However, as this tragic event has been covered by the media, I think he will be punished.

Originally posted by arden
Oh, I'm sure he'll be reprimanded or something...

I hope he'll end his days in a psychiatric institute. Remember this guy has killed someone, and on top of that one of his own men, not even someone who was shooting at him, with no reason. He badly needs to visit an asylum for, say, 50 years, for sure.
Originally posted by toast
I hope he'll end his days in a psychiatric institute. Remember this guy has killed someone, and on top of that one of his own men, not even someone who was shooting at him, with no reason. He badly needs to visit an asylum for, say, 50 years, for sure.
Hence the sarcasm in my original comment...

With all the attention this man has received, I don't see how he can't come under some sort of intense scrutiny or not be punished.
It's a bit late to post this, maybe it even has been remarked elsewhere... but: have you noticed how the position of the US on the war has changed dramatically before and after the beginning of the war?
While trying to convince everybody before it all started the continued to state that the war would be easy, short, clean etc. ONE DAY after the war started they were already saying that the war would be long and difficult. Now they are even rethinking their whole strategy it seems. If Basra is indeed a prelude to Baghdad the war is going to last months, not weeks. Fighting from street to street. Civilians messing about to defend their homes. Soldiers disguised as civilians. Suicide bombers. ... and still no weapons of mass distruction ... exept the US ones, and thirst, hunger, lack of medicines ... war is no worse than hell: war is hell.
What makes me laugh is the people who were actively posting here that the war would be "quick", "immediate", a matter of "one or two months". And now that Bush is asking for more cash to bomb Iraq, these people have all gone silent.
Yeah, it is interesting how the hawks have become silent. I just wonder how Rumsfeld is dealing with all this. His demise shouldn't be much longer in coming now that his battle plan has proved to be unviable.
His battle has proved able, but more costly than expected. After all, the US troops will reach Bagdad one day. At which cost ? Nobody knows.
Basra could become a test. Baghdad will take at least twice as long. Nasty, brutish and long.