Zammy-Sam Desertchild Jun 28, 2004 #463 Who doesn't love compliments and lets them infalte his/her ego?
Zammy-Sam Desertchild Jun 30, 2004 #472 Why do english ppl speak sound like 'sawnd' and wound like 'wu:nd'?
M markceltic Apple Addicted Jun 30, 2004 #473 Did anybody else enjoy the German fellow speaking on behalf of the music app at the WWDC ? (funny hearing an accent like that speaking english,lol)
Did anybody else enjoy the German fellow speaking on behalf of the music app at the WWDC ? (funny hearing an accent like that speaking english,lol)
a_iver Registered Jun 30, 2004 #475 Do you think he got payed in euros, or dollars... or maybe slave labor?
M markceltic Apple Addicted Jul 1, 2004 #478 How many here have to do presentations? ( yes JetwingX he did do a good job)
pds Registered Jul 2, 2004 #479 When you can use Keynote instead of PowerPoint, isn't it "get to" and not "have to"?
Zammy-Sam Desertchild Jul 2, 2004 #480 Isn't it sometimes still a "have to" even though there is Keynote available?