The Question-Question Thread

Hasn't anyone here heard that cats "play" with mice & other rodents to tire them out before they deliver the final bite of death?
Does anyone know how much the sound from outside is reduced in the stomach? If I would swallow a bluetooth microphone, could my brother still hear my voice over ichatav? :)
Are pipe smoking, mac-belly penguins trained to dive into a 500 lb. mouse stomach and speak mousese to the mouse trapped in the belly of the cat across the room?
A guy's feet and a penguin - I'm sure their kids would look okay, but would society be able to accept it?
nixgeek said:
Does anyone understand the meaning of "kidding around?" :rolleyes:

To answer my own question, should I make sure to read everything carefully before I answer at 7:40 in the morning EDT? ::ha::