The story behind your screen name

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I change my Net names every once in a while, but I basically have always loved the word "Fusion" (in its definition as the melting together of multiple materials or concepts), and my favorite color is blue... and suddenly, "BlueFusion" just came to me. SO that's where it's from.
When it came time for me to stop lurking and come up with a screen name, I just wanted something simple with one syllable. Happen to have the TV show Hogan Heros twirling in the back of my head from joshin around and reminiscing with my coworkers. The character Colonel Klink seemed to click.
Way back in the mists of prehistory (i.e. the mid 1980's) I was a student at the University of Michigan. My freshman year there was the very first time I ever used a multiuser system where I needed a user name. Well, the mainframe operating system in use there was called MTS, and it used 4-character userid's. Mine was 6A2L. Because no one expected anyone to be able to remember these, they mapped email aliases to these id's on a many-to-one basis. Well, early on, before my friends and I started abusing the system, you could have an unlimited number of alias names mapped to your userid. So I had a few hundred names attached to my account, and I had friends who had a couple of thousand.

Well, one of the usernames I picked was "Stop Looking At Me You Marmoset", which was the chorus of one of my favorite songs of the time. It so happened that the email system on MTS had a peculiar bug/feature, where if you started to send a message and decided to abort it, you couldn't do so without major drama. Newbie users would start to send a message, then panic and get confused at the "To:" prompt, so they'd type "stop". Instead of interpreting this as a command to abort the message, it would interpret it as an incomplete email alias, and show you all of the usernames that began with with the word "stop" (my friend Rob's alias "Stop Sending This Message" got a <b>lot</b> of mail this way) ;)

Anyway, people being prompted with the message "Do you mean 'Stop Looking At Me You Marmoset'" meant that I got lots of really cool email (I actually met a lot of people that way.)

When I moved on to UNIX systems with 8-character usernames, there never was any doubt of what I would use as my username. :)
Marmoset, if that's your real... oh, wait, I guess it probably isn't: How, then, do you explain having the nefarious CATS as your avatar? :p
i went though SO many nicks lol! But Hypernate is permantent :P

Anyway, when I was using TomBoy (No prizes for guessing WHY that was my name. Name's Tom. And I'm a boy lol), so anyway, I was talking to my friend Lee who uses Violation, and I thought, I need a cool name. Hmm, Hypernate. It just sprung into my head :P

But as for MSN names... I change every time I log in :P But I always follow the same pattern. Tommi Boi +(insert witty comment here)+ DJ Fatling...

I suppose I should explain DJ Fatling! I am called that by my friends, because I DJ, using my sister's laptop, using WinAmp attaching it to the stereo using a cable :P And Fatling, because everyone in the group is a (x)J Fatling. I.E. PJ Fatling, OJ Fatling, GJ Fatling. All of THEIR fatlings mean something Jelly Fatling, so, sometimes I'm Dee Jay Fatling, and sometimes I'm Delicious Jelly Fatling ;)
CloudNine because I hope to be truly happy someday...

Cloud because I want to fly...

Nine because on a ten-scale I feel like I'm always second best.
"Symphonix" was a screen name I adopted when I joined a writer's group in my early internet days, and was a play on the title of a children's book I was writing at the time: "Symphony".
Both the forum and the book have fallen off the radar, but the screen name sort of stuck. :D
I have another that I used to go by, long ago: "Ravager" which was taken from the name of a dog in a Rupyard Kipling novel.

OK, here's mine.

I'm a school teacher, ok. A couple of years ago one of the male students in our school was harassing a female student on AIM. We encouraged her at first to just ignore the creep and go on with life, but since she knew who it was she wanted to expose him.

She asked me if there was anything I could do to take care of it, so I dreamed up this persona named ebola. Ebola was taken as a screen name, so I just added g4 to the end since I had just gotten my G4 450.

Of course, as soon as I started giving the kid a hard time on AIM, he would either warn or block me and I couldn't do anything to him. So everytime he blocked an S/N, I would create a new one. I would usually pick a virus/bacteria name and add g4 to it. If you ever see ebolag4, hantag4, anthraxg4, ecolig4, etc. around the net, it's me.

I finally got the kid to back off when I revealed to him that I knew his name, address and telephone number by way of private chat. That he needed to leave the girl alone or I was coming after him.

Of course I would never have touched him, being a teacher and everything, but he didn't have a clue who I was, so it scared him stiff. He never bothered her again. After that incident, the original virus name just had a certain ring to it, so I kept it.
holm + Brew = holmBrew

the first four letters of my last name and one of my favorite things to make and consume...brew. i guess you could say that i am a home brewer, or that I am holmBrew.

Originally posted by ebolag4
OK, here's mine.

I'm a school teacher, ok. A couple of years ago one of the male students in our school was harassing a female student on AIM. We encouraged her at first to just ignore the creep and go on with life, but since she knew who it was she wanted to expose him.

She asked me if there was anything I could do to take care of it, so I dreamed up this persona named ebola. Ebola was taken as a screen name, so I just added g4 to the end since I had just gotten my G4 450.

Of course, as soon as I started giving the kid a hard time on AIM, he would either warn or block me and I couldn't do anything to him. So everytime he blocked an S/N, I would create a new one. I would usually pick a virus/bacteria name and add g4 to it. If you ever see ebolag4, hantag4, anthraxg4, ecolig4, etc. around the net, it's me.

I finally got the kid to back off when I revealed to him that I knew his name, address and telephone number by way of private chat. That he needed to leave the girl alone or I was coming after him.

Of course I would never have touched him, being a teacher and everything, but he didn't have a clue who I was, so it scared him stiff. He never bothered her again. After that incident, the original virus name just had a certain ring to it, so I kept it.

hope the guy is not reading this!!!:p

so what's withthe baby? dit it get infected with ebola?:D

It all started back in 2000... I started this website and I was the Administrator, hence, "Admin" for short.

It just stuck!

Admin :)
Originally posted by dlookus
Hey Ed,
We have something in common. I'm also a junior and my parents called me by my middle name...

I really can't stand it when people call me Tommy, because I feel like a 5 year old all over again. And Thomas seems like some obscene Monte Python joke...

Maybe this is my way of "reclaiming" my name too?

(For thoses of you getting used to me being around here, you probably should call me just Tom from now on...)

May this be a lessont to all of you parents and future parents... stop calling your kids by stupic nicknames now.
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