The story behind your screen name

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The baby is kind of a way of mocking myself. I haven't been a member that long, and just like everybody else my subtitle or whatever you call it said "Junior Member." I just became able to change it recently. I just kind of thought "junior=baby."

Pretty dumb, huh?

He is really cute though.

(And no, the student probably would never read anything here. He's a sold out PC user. As you can see, he has many personal problems.)
Senne is my name. Do Make Say Think is a band, or a stimulation-sentence for kids between 3-6 years old (That's where the name of the band comes from btw, they ones saw it in a kidsschool.). Do Make Say Think (which i'm listening at now.) is the newest band i've discovered and they're pretty damn GOOD. And i hope i'll see them live on April 17th in Brussels (at the DOMINO-festival in the Ancien Belgique (AB) )... which is in 5 days or on July 2nd in the Vooruit in Ghent or somewhere in May, in... i think it's in Charleroi (also Belgium)

So belgian mac os x'ers: I'll see you there ! :)


(PS: on April 17th Godspeed You Black Emperor! will also make an appearance in the AB)
Well, what should I say? My name is Ulrich, normally people call me Uli, but since most english-speaking people have trouble pronouncing either Ulrich or Uli, I tend to use the name "Ulrik" on the net, so that people get the pronounciation right.

Hehe, I remember when I had to spell my name to Dave Prowse (actor of Darth Vader in Star Wars) for an autogramm. I said "Uli", and he looked at me with this "how-the-heck-should-darth-vader-know-how-to-spell-such-a-stupid-german-name-like-uli", so I said "just write ulrik". From this day on, I used Ulrik whenever I was talking to english speaking people.
well my profile will be updated with the next site update (hopefully in july, maybe in september if I decide to add more things now :p)

I have always like jaguars... even before 10.0 was out. So one day ... I had a Mac and 10.2 wasn't out .. I just decided the geek me wanted a jaguary .mac address. So, as jaguar was taken I tried others ... Giaguara = (female) jaguar in Italian :)
The two forums i joined, this one and a gaming site one happened right after I had finished reading The Two Towers. I really enjoyed the part about the Ents and decided I should take a name from there...

Quickbeam was the first choice Greystroke was the second -- you can see which one i liked better! :)
Mine should be obvious to Monty Python fans. I've been a long time fan of Python and Fawlty Towers. I was going to use one from Fawlty Towers as they always scramble the name on the sign at the beginning of the prog, a little like the Simpons chalkboard ?_I was thinking of using 'Flowery Twats'. I thought a little too rude ;-) so I choose the Eric Halfabee sketch from Python.

Eric, you thread-digger ! :o

I'm Toast as in the magazine I was contributing to when I registered to this forum. I'm no more contributing to it BTW. I really should change to have same name as my site, Think Hybrid.
I got my name from a dream I had. Since it's kinda long, and I already wrote it down on a website, I'll point ya there.

Don't go changin your name, toast. It's fine that way. Besides, 'Think Hybrid' isn't a name...
I needed a name for the protagonist of a short story of mine. A serial killer in a cy-fi setting. I let my hands drop on the keyboard, and 'fryke' is what came out of it. That was in 1994. Ever since: Fryke's my name. Hence etc. ;-)
I've been Cat since the first arcade game highscores where you only had three letters to glorify your achievement. My real name wouldn't fit obviously, so I had to use something else and cats were and are my favorite animals, hence the nick ...
pds is just my initials. I was lucky the first time I set up an e-mail account (in 1980) and it has worked since.

I think I need to change it though, a friend recently sent a note with an enunciation of the name (not PeeDeeEss) and it was not flattering.

Originally posted by googolplex
A googolplex is 1^googol and a googol is 1^100. Which is one big number!

Oh yeah and it sounds pretty damn cool too :D.

ok, I'll give you the cool, but your googleplex = 1

google = 1^100=1
googleplex = 1^1=1
:D :D :D
Like Edx and dlookus, I too go by a bastardization of a middle name. Born William Edgar, my family has always just called me Eddie {Bill who?}

But that's not my screen name.

Another moderately stupid story...

I play guitar...I started in high school with my bro and another guy we met right after moving from California to Minnesota. Because I was Eddie, everyone in school used to call me Eddie Van Donlin-a Van Halen jab, of course.

With that connection we move forward about year...must have been 10th grade. Still hanging out with my bro and buddy brian playing guitar. So one night it's like 2 in the morning and we're still playing...all very tired, but not wanting to stop. You know, the kind of tired when anything and everything is funny for no reason.

I was looking around the room we were jamming in, which was covererd with late 80's rock posters. I see a picture of Eddie Van Halen....but it used the name Edward Van Halen....well, part of the Edward was covered and all you could read was Vard (ed and part of the w were gone). Remember how tired we were, and how everything seemed funny...well, that did it. We drop the guitars and laughed for what seemed like forever.

So Brian and my bro started calling me that-Vard. I thought it would fade after a week or two, but then my Dad started referring to me with it--it stuck after that. Been Vard to special group of people ever since...

...see, I told you it was another stupid story.

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