I gave up on VersionTracker long ago. It was good when it was the only DL site with reviews but then it broke too often and was excessively clumsy to DL material.
MacUpdate is close to ideal for me and I also use their MacUpdate Desktop to maintain my software.
I spoke to MacUpdate about possibly integrating shopping, DLing, purchasing and installation to give us an alternative to the upcoming Mac App Store. They seem to think this is beyond them, given the limited co-operation they can get from developers.
A damn shame because it would be an excellent opportunity and I really do not like where Apple is heading. Apple will totally control virtually everything on the Mac and their iPhone/iPad gadgets. That is certain to squeeze out and dumb down anything Apple simply doesn't like or competes with them.
Apple also has differential pricing. Charging considerable more for exactly the same product outside the USA. Americans don't give a stuff about this but it is a big problem for everyone else.
Nearly all the software that is key to my Mac usage does not meet the App Store guidelines. Apple's software is already often badly designed with tardy upgrades that don't address the real problems. Without competition to give us an alternative to Apple's downward spiral into dumbed down pathetic overpriced amateurishness I might have to finally abandon the Mac. A day I dread.
I am already playing with Ubuntu, but it is a community of geeks too cheap to pay for Windows. Not the place for good design, in fact they seem quite suspicious of the idea. Where else is there to go? Will Android offer some hope?