Vista, the osx wanna be....?


Ok is it me or what I just got a copy of computer shopper and they had an article on how to install vista, mind you 3 pages worth just to install and the hopes you don't lose anything from the install...lovely.. My thing is vista to me looks like there trying to adapt to the way osx looks? to me it doesn't matter i've spent enough money on microsoft and right now enough is enough and all my money is going to start going to apple because i feel the product they have is worth the price... besides if i upgrade down the road to an imac with a 20 inch screen at least i know i have a machine 10 years plus down the road anyway just thought does anyone feel the same way i do...Bo
MS have been copying Apple for years, a lot longer than Apple were copying Xerox. Then again the original Amiga OS looked very much like a coloured version of Mac OS, they're all at it. As I see it, Microsoft innovate NOTHING, despite what Bill Gates says.

I'm done with Microsoft for home use, I'll keep my XP box for the few games I run, but the iMac and imminent MacBook will become my primary computers.

I just don't like Windows, and I haven't since XP, it's bloated, unreliable, intrusive (those balloons get right on my nerves), and Vista looks like more of the same. And I DO NOT like Aero - it's ugly, cluttered and all that uneccessary glassy transparency nonsense just looks distracting.

I also object to aspects of the license agreement, whereby MS can, through use of the malware removal functions, remove ANYTHING they don't want on your PC, without telling you, via the term "spyware, adware, and other potentially unwanted software". And the DRM issues piss me off too, requiring a brand new monitor just to play any HD content.
I've tested it for a while now. It's too gimmicky. Doesn't fee like a "pro" operating system. Going back to OS X feels like using a real OS instead of a computer game simulating a shell seen in a movie or something. "Ah, this works now. Phew!"
MS have been copying Apple for years

Looks like Apple's copying MS now.

"Apple megapatch plugs 45 security holes"

Apple on Tuesday issued a security update for its Mac OS X to plug 45 security holes, including several zero-day vulnerabilities.

The megapatch is the seventh Apple security patch release in three months.
The supposed "megapatch" is 10.4.9 I'm assuming. THis is no different than a Service Pack for Windows, which rolls-up all of the patches along with extra bug fixes into one large package. It's pretty much about the same. 10.4.9 includes all of the Security Updates and other fixes that lead up to the 10.4.9 release.
Steven i understand your feelings but if i'm correct ms has been promising vista or some form of it since 2003 and now it came out it still has problems... granted it has alot more support for software because it has to, to fix all the bugs that the system keeps coming out with and to me that is not a fun experience if you have a os system that is down more than it's up? I think xp will be the 98 of ms because many people i have talked to think a system that has to have at least a gig of memory to run isn't worth it, not to mention what you have to have for graphic's... I understand ms has to always push the envelope to go farther and faster than anyone but to me right now vista is going to be the downfall of microsoft...I don't know but to me if i have a system down more than it's up it's not worth it.. being on a budget that i am i have found my g4 that i got for free to be faster than my dell i bought a year ago... we live in america and whatever you want to buy for your computer hobby or business is up to you.....Bo
Everyone that I know that have upgraded to Vista (just two people so far) say Vista has really slowed down their machines that were top of the game line just about 10 months ago. They both say Vista is huge memory hog and they both went back to XP Pro for gaming. One thing I have say though, they were both using the last beta version of Vista.

They both wonder how my Dual 1.8 G5 (first Dual 1.8 generation ... see my signature) can run 10.4.x so well.
... and suddenly, Mac OS X is not too graphic-intensive anymore. Maybe Apple was on to something with that "Aqua" thing they introduced with, er, some Mac OS X Developer Preview version in 2000, when everybody thought it was too much for the hardware. :P
It was too much for the hardware. 7 years later it's not such a big deal, but then 7 years from now I don't suppose Vista's glitz will be too much, either. It took at least 4-5 years before Apple's consumer machines could run Aqua really well. Even my 2005 model Mac Mini leaves a little to be desired. It doesn't support Core Image, although thankfully Apple has not Core Image that much, so it's no biggie. (I wonder if that will change with Leopard.)

Anyway, to answer the original post, in a word: yes. :p

As with OSes past, Microsoft has made many small changes to Apple's designs, and most of them are for the worse. That's to be expected. I mean, we're talking about a company that didn't consider that when they moved the Apple menu to the bottom of the screen, they had to reverse the order of the items so that "Shut Down" was not the first item. That's pretty dense. (Of course, it's possible they weren't copying. They might have come up with that little gem of interface design all on their own.....but that's even worse.)

That said, I'm impressed with Aero. That said, I've never actually had to use it...
I have a friend thats just started his first year at uni and decided to get a laptop.

I thought I might have a little go just to see what it was like in person and I was pretty disgusted. I dont know how to describe it, yes it was all flashy and that but it almost looked as if a disco thru up on it. The colors were intense.

He didnt really have any software of value on it, since he doesnt really use the computer (thank god) so I didnt get to play around much. all I really did was open the trash bin and it seriously took at-least 10 seconds to load it.

Argh, that OS makes me angry and I dont even know why.
I tried Vista out and have to say, it has nothing innovative. Sure the interface is much improved, although when you think about it they just put aero glass around XP windows and added more annoyance and pop-ups.
As much as they try to copy Apple, OSX is still king.:) Day-to-Day use, I still appreciate the feeling of OSX. Windows, whether it is XP or Vista does not know how to get out of its own way.:(
Looks like Apple's copying MS now.

"Apple megapatch plugs 45 security holes"

Apple on Tuesday issued a security update for its Mac OS X to plug 45 security holes, including several zero-day vulnerabilities.

The megapatch is the seventh Apple security patch release in three months.

What, so plugging security holes is a bad thing? I really don't see what you're on about...

Everyone that I know that have upgraded to Vista (just two people so far) say Vista has really slowed down their machines that were top of the game line just about 10 months ago. They both say Vista is huge memory hog and they both went back to XP Pro for gaming. One thing I have say though, they were both using the last beta version of Vista.

I've read that on a 1Gb machine, Vista is substantially slower than XP on the same machine. And a heavily-used XP is bad enough already. Rendering a less-than-one-year-old PC as obsolete isn't exactly progress, is it? :rolleyes:

They both wonder how my Dual 1.8 G5 (first Dual 1.8 generation ... see my signature) can run 10.4.x so well.

It's called efficiency - something MS employees have surgically removed before they start work...
It was too much for the hardware. 7 years later it's not such a big deal, but then 7 years from now I don't suppose Vista's glitz will be too much, either. It took at least 4-5 years before Apple's consumer machines could run Aqua really well. Even my 2005 model Mac Mini leaves a little to be desired. It doesn't support Core Image, although thankfully Apple has not Core Image that much, so it's no biggie. (I wonder if that will change with Leopard.)

Anyway, to answer the original post, in a word: yes. :p

As with OSes past, Microsoft has made many small changes to Apple's designs, and most of them are for the worse. That's to be expected. I mean, we're talking about a company that didn't consider that when they moved the Apple menu to the bottom of the screen, they had to reverse the order of the items so that "Shut Down" was not the first item. That's pretty dense. (Of course, it's possible they weren't copying. They might have come up with that little gem of interface design all on their own.....but that's even worse.)

That said, I'm impressed with Aero. That said, I've never actually had to use it...
my 7 year old ibook runs the very latest, edge of the knife-blade Apple OS very very smoothly (10-4-9 went on this morning). the problem was just that 10.0 was just insufficiently optimised.
The last beta version of Vista would be slow, it still had an awful lot of debug code in it. The release version is running on my 4 year old Compaq with 512MB RAM with no problems or speed difference to how it runs XP. Maybe I got lucky.

The who copies who argument is getting a bit tired, isn't it ? Is OSX better than Vista as an operating system, no. Is Vista better than OSX as an operating system, no. They are both very good at what they do in different ways, which you either prefer or not.

Plus if you want VIsta to really fly, put it on a Macbook Pro.
Well, we're not completely objective here. So: "Is OSX better than Vista as an operating system?" - My answer is a very loud and clear *YES!* here. Plus: As what _else_ would we see it. The question almost implies that Vista is not generally viewed as an operating system. (j/k.)
But if you take _away_ 3rd party applications (plus 1st party apps not shipping as part of the OS), then I'd say that *VERY* clearly OS X is the much better operating system. "Depends on personal preferences?" Really? Who has the personal preference of an OS always getting in the way, using mushy eyecandy to cover the fact that the UI hasn't really been _improved_ any? (That was rhetorical, but I guess answers will appear nonetheless...)
vista to me has come out loud and clear you have to have a pc that really has alot of memory a big harddrive and a video card that has the latest and greatest? which I can run the latest and greatest osx stuff on my g4 with half of what you put into a pc... I think from the get go ms knew that and the great monoply of ms begins once again letting us as consumer just accept it!! well i get tired of getting half of the product and paying full price and waiting to pay even more money for the ugrades? I don't know about anyone else on this board but i have 6 kids and when i put money into something it has to last a long time without the worries of upgrading everytime which is a cost I can't afford... at least with osx I'm going to wait for tiger or leopard depending on the price of leopard but i know my g4 computer which i got for free and had some memory laying around got it up to a gig and it's a heck of a system.. I mean it's whatever you want? its america but to me you should get what you pay for not just half....that's why i switched to apple and don't plan on going back to windows anytime soon maybe if ms go bankrupt then i can buy there product for what it's worth...."HALF"
Tommo is right, at the end of the day it comes down to what someone prefers. After having used XP and Vista for awhile in the last six months, whether it is just because all I ever used is Mac, I prefer the way Apple designs a operating system.

In my view:
Windows has the system alert you when events take place, which is fine, except where is the line drawn between useful and just plain annoying?
Vista takes this to a new level, with the screen going black, and you have to acknowledge by clicking. Again, not all together a bad idea, except when using the computer for several hours.

On the other hand, I like the way Windows gives you a preview of video files, and preview of pictures on the folder icon. Makes finding things much better. Another thing in vista is adding your own keywords to files for indexing. Although Spotlight is significantly better then Vista search tool.

Lastly, To come out with several versions of a OS I am not impressed. In order to get shadow copy, you have to purchase the ultimate version of Vista. In other words, to be able to easily recover your files you have to have the most expensive version. That is just plain Crap!!!!!!:eek:
Mushy eye candy.... you can rule out both if that is an issue. Get a copy of any linux distro with a basic Gnome or KDE GUI and that should suit. I t will be interesting to see what extra functionality Leopard has when it arrives later this year.

Wolf_Pack, lots of memory, like I said before 1GB is plenty, hard drive space 40GB is plenty. To get the full bells and whistles Aero display you need a fairly modern graphics card, but you do not really need them. The newest PC I have at home is over 5 years old and apart from upping the RAM to 1GB (which I did when I went to XP) it has not had an upgrade and is running Vista quite happily and speedily.

I have just installed 10.4 on a Powerbook with 512MB of Ram and that is not exactly running as fast as the user would like it to.