I agree that dragging a volume to the Trash to unmount it seems odd.
Yeah, that one is just like going to "Start" to shut down your computer

I agree that dragging a volume to the Trash to unmount it seems odd.
Yeah, that one is just like going to "Start" to shut down your computer
Hm. Yes. But it kinda _still_ doesn't explain why ejecting a disk (even if automatically) would be represented by dragging it to a trashcan. To a user, this *obviously* looks like "deleting". I guess they just didn't find a metaphor for it that worked.
But that's clearly a "workaround" for a user interface bug. When you "open a folder", you "open a folder". When you "label a file" you "label a file". But when you put a disk to the trashcan...I always thought of it as trashing it from your "virtual" desktop since you didn't need it anymore, and that way the disk would remove itself from the computer and be put somewhere in the "real-world" desktop or anywhere else in the real world. That's how it made sense to me.
quite off-topic, stevenyc.
I take your point.The main difference is that Apple builds computers whereas MS does not. Therefore Apple has a significant lead in providing a more stable platform since Apple decides on the hardware AND software specs.
Gates lucked out and stuck to selling just the OS forcing others to try and make their hardwares software work with his POS.
... ... I'm not sure that Gates really made a mistake when he stuck to selling only his OS.
I did not mean that "Gates ... made a mistake" but that his decision was luck leading him to be the world's richest man.