I don't know much about what's happening in the content serving side of the business, but my personal experience is that users tend to *hate* the Quicktime player.
Most users I talk to (admittedly mostly Windows users) avoid the Quicktime player like the plague. Not because of anti-Apple sentiment, but because compared to alternatives the player just stinks.
I have to admit I have a lot of sympathy for this. Here are the common complaints (that I share, though most of these are Windows-oriented):
* Player quality is just terrible. Slow, unreliable, memory hog, especially on Windows. The player underneath is largely unchanged from the OS 9 days, and the interface just doesn't *feel* modern, no matter how much brushed metal and shalack is laid on top of it.
* Nagware. NO, I do NOT want to spend $30 so that I can view movies in full screen. Stop asking me (or, in QT7, stop reminding me that I'm running crippleware with the "Pro-only" upgrade reminder menu items)
* The fact that I have to spend $30 so that I can view movies in full screen! Come on, guys, you might as well charge users $20 for popup blocking in Safari, or spam filters in Mail.app... I don't care how many other features I will never, ever use come with it.
* Sneakware. QT historically has really, REALLY wants to be the default player for everything in Windows. This is one of the main things that lost Real so much market share. Admittedly, both players have gotten a bit better about it, but the memory remains (and QT is much less obvious about what it's going to do)
* iTunes sneakware. Yes, you and I know that there used to be that tiny link on the iTunes download page for the version that didn't forcefully install QuickTime without telling you. However, 99% of users wouldn't notice that during the first download, and 95% wouldn't know any better on the second. Good bundling for Apple (I guess), but when the download doesn't mention that Quicktime will be installed, neither does the Installer, and there's no way to deselect Quicktime installation, you can't help but think they're up to no good. Certainly when Microsoft does the same thing it enrages armies (and lawyers).
- I notice that the download page no longer has a Quicktime-free option. Does that mean that they got smart and don't force-install Quicktime, or that it's installed by default without ANY option not to??
* Horrible browser plugin/integration. Why, oh why, in 99.999% of cases, can't I select to view movies in a separate viewer (not embedded in a standalone page)? At the very least, give me the option to view the movie at x2 magnification so I can actually **SEE** those 180x120 movies on my 20" widescreen.
Sadly, at this point I'd rather watch movies in Real Player than in Quicktime. I'd say so would the majority of non-zealot users. Think about that.
QT 7 is a baby step in the right direction. However, a new codec and slightly spiffed interface is not what it needs. Apple has let their QT opportunity dwindle for waaay too long. Please, just hire a few more developers (or SOMETHING) and show the other guys how it's done!