What conclusions do you reach from avatars?

whereas the OS X thing I didn't even really think of---the only reason I used blue was cuz of my name

Yeah, but blue is aqua, thats how I got it, the artist was the abstractness of it.
gamedog, i know where the car comes from... the opening of GTA3 for PS2 has a shot of a car's engine from inside and it looks very similar to that.. remember?
Yeah I know how you would reach that but I never really thought of it like that. More like an I like blue kind of thing then a I like osx.
It reminds me of the dropship in Halo for some reason... dunno why... but i like how it can become different things if you look at it in different ways
gamedog, i know where the car comes from... the opening of GTA3 for PS2 has a shot of a car's engine from inside and it looks very similar to that.. remember?

What, when? I don;t remember that, but if you look at the avitar the black smudge looks like a window and the front is curved and there is that rectangle like thing on top like a sun roof ant theres also a bike rack :D
Originally posted by adambyte
Hey Admirak AK, for as long as I've been here, your avatar has always been the little BSD devil... was it ever anything else? If so, what?

Wow this thread has taken off while I have been busy at work :p

Well I decided to have a BSd daemon on my 666th post (devil, deamon lol) -- then I liked it so much I decided to keep it and make it my avatar for all the forums I visit (and have custom avatars). Before that I am not sure what I had :p --- It was only a few months till I reached 666. Back in the public beta days we had a lot of "on topic" activity here :p
Originally posted by Lessthanmighty
Besides a crappy loop job. What do you think of my updated avatar?

a really poor loop job. i an imagine you walking down the street and spazzing like that with 3 frames / second :)

-- i'm not going to ask wah tyou people think of my avatar...
Ulrik - zen. very zen.

Hervé - Well, I already suspected he was a Yeti but that makes it conclusive.

Zaphod - an eerily glowing eater of cinnamon sticks.

nkuvu - a respected grandfather spirit in an animist religion, considered to be nearly insignificant today, but we'll all feel stupid when we die, and they turn out to have been right all along.

unlearnthetruth - wears black nail polish and communes with the spirits of dead houseplants at the solstices.

tismey - aristocrat in the kingdom of the bat
Finally got me an avatar.

So many choices... but in the end, what choice did I really have?

None whatsoever. :D

-the valrus
Wow, this thread really took off (I just read the last two pages).

Bluefusion - I like your new avatar...

Lets see how many more avatar changes I/We can precipitate with comments like "Your avatar makes me think of dyslexic cult leaders who strangle small furry animals and brainwash vulnerables into the ultra-hardline right wing stance that all people should donate one of their children to the government for formation of a world-domination army".

When it comes down to it, People look at the content not the avatar, but I do really think having a distinctive avatar makes it an easier process to get to know somebody. I think the human brain instinctively wants to have some easily to remember representation of a person it interacts with. Who can honestly say that they didn't get a feeling of what AdmiralAK and Ed were like much faster than most of the others (and I'm sure it wasn't just their insane post counts)

Bernie :eek:)
gosh, so many people talking about me:p :rolleyes:

Ed: Ex multinational rock ‘n’ roll singer, now lives in a large house painted in psychedelic colours, with a Jacuzzi in the back garden.

now cmon Bernie, some of that was based on interaction.:D

truth is - I was only indirectly in the music biz for 7 years, now live in a small house painted blue with a cut up jacuzzi that i finally made into a pond in the back garden. but i do like psychedelic colors.

sithious - your icon always reminds me of Jesus. It always seems so incongruent with the Jedi Knight thing.:p (but it is likable:) )

symphonix - yes, my avatar was done on my graphire2.

Tismey - i assume your avatar is a beer bottle cap but it always reminds me of something military or governmental. it takes a close look to see that it is a bat.

Bluefusion - i see a dolphin head in your new logo. which i thought was cool when you revealed it was a distorted wave.

perhaps i should post my old avatar up for awhile for the new folks. it was a classic mac icon from an old macintalk app from about 1986 that i colorized. all my friends here laughed at it.:p It was much more about my mac history than about me.

Ulrik - i could have sworn that you designed your logo to make me dizzy. that way every time i laugh at one of your posts, i fall out of my chair.

(and i did not tell that particular secret. i suggest you turn that inscreen cam off, perhaps that will increase your security:eek: )

rick - your new avatar says that you are a bit too quick in bed or else you are just new to the concept. girls that bump and grind that fast will never develop a satisfying, natural rythm with you. :p

i will say in general i like original and personal picture avatars better than ones that use logos, comic or game characters, or famous people. But that is the creative part of me that symphonix talked about. Also a belief that you should cast your own shadow and not try to immitate anyone else. Some of my favorites are Symphonix, nkuvu, Tom, and Lonnie. herve and matrix agent also keep me amused with their changes.
Originally posted by Me
Ed: Ex multinational rock ‘n’ roll singer, now lives in a large house painted in psychedelic colours, with a Jacuzzi in the back garden.
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
now cmon Bernie, some of that was based on interaction. :D

truth is - I was only indirectly in the music biz for 7 years, now live in a small house painted blue with a cut up jacuzzi that i finally made into a pond in the back garden. but i do like psychedelic colors.
Really? I seriously was only guessing from the avatar (I havn't spent much time in the congrats threads or the B&G, so never found out about your living arrangements...)

Now I agree more with you about the whole personal avatar thing Ed. Thats the good thing about personal avatars - by designing them yourself, you inject some of your life into it, and hence I managed to guess your profile quite well (I'm still chuffed about doing that!).

Sometime I'd better get around to redesigning mine (not that I designed my current one of course), when I get a graphics tablet... I see Wacom have released drivers for their tablets in OSX, so sometime soon I'll buy that tablet I've been promising myself and make me a nice avatar.

Bernie :eek:)
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
Ulrik - i could have sworn that you designed your logo to make me dizzy. that way every time i laugh at one of your posts, i fall out of my chair.

I admit it, you are the main target of my avatar...:D
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
Tismey - i assume your avatar is a beer bottle cap but it always reminds me of something military or governmental. it takes a close look to see that it is a bat.

It's actually the Alternative Tentacles record label ('Giving art a bad name since 1979') logo. The government/military thing is interesting though, because the bat is actually holding a missile in one claw, and a broken cross with a dollar sign on it in the other, so I guess there's a link there.

The picture I used was originally a picture of a badge from the AT online store. It had a bit of a light-flare across it because of the shininess of the badge, so when I made it transparent it gave it the roughed-up edges. I guess it does look a bit like a beer bottle cap.
Originally Posted by scruffy
unlearnthetruth - wears black nail polish and communes with the spirits of dead houseplants at the solstices.

LOL :D :D :D

That's the funniest description of me i've ever heard - thank you scruffy

I only wear black nailpolish when it's called for!
