My Quick Review:
DAMN! This is awesome.
Honestly, Virtual PC was always a novelty for me. I had it installed, I had my disk image with XP on it and at time attempted to make it my main system for and some other software that is Windows only that I run on a very infrequent basis. However, VPC6 and earlier, just too slow. My Dell P4 1.6ghz was my system of choice for those applications and needs.
So, I convered my image over to VPC7 and DUDE, forget my Dell. You know, 30% improvement doesn't sound all that much. But it really is.
Here is what I think they did. I think screen re-draws are up 100% or more. When the system displays pages and redraws, there might be a delay (only 30% speed improvement) but when it shows it, WHAM, it's on the screen. So, although it is running slower, the over-all experience is that it is signficantly faster. This can be very good on the brain.
Everything I have tested has worked like a champ. In fact, Im typing this on VPC7! Although, I haven't upgraded to SP2 cause I heard that VPC7 didn't like it. Will save that for a rainy day.
Does it replace my Dell? Absolutely not. But, I'd REALLY like to see this on a G5 machine. For those who care, I'm on a G4 1GHZ, 17" Flat-Panel iMac.
In conclusion, maybe it was the past experience with VPC that I really didn't have any hopes of having a usable virtual pc on my Mac, especially my 'slow' one. But, my expectations, although at the very bottom, where greatly exceeded.