Gone !
Most of us are students or former students. We are all studying something at the moment, or have been quite recently. I'l just being curious: what are you studying right now ?
This could be a class you like or dislike, a book you (have to) read, an article, a survey, anything.
Here's my own timetable. I'm studying an presenting in class the following things n the next two weeks (I already started working on them, don't worry):
- French parliamentary commission simulation, where I play the role of ... Apple Inc. French director !
I have to write a review about the iTMS commercial impact and law implications.
- John Rawls: egality or equity ? (I personnally find the question so badly formulated I told my teacher about it)
- Thomas Risse, Tranforming Europe, chapter 12 presentation (on europeanization and constructivism - sounds complex, it's not).
- Finally, train tickets. I'm figuring out the best and cheapest way to go to Venice with my g/f.
What about you all ?
Trolls: of course you could spoil this thread by answering nonsense or telling us you hate studying and about your fascinating nerd life. But please don't.
This could be a class you like or dislike, a book you (have to) read, an article, a survey, anything.
Here's my own timetable. I'm studying an presenting in class the following things n the next two weeks (I already started working on them, don't worry):
- French parliamentary commission simulation, where I play the role of ... Apple Inc. French director !

- John Rawls: egality or equity ? (I personnally find the question so badly formulated I told my teacher about it)
- Thomas Risse, Tranforming Europe, chapter 12 presentation (on europeanization and constructivism - sounds complex, it's not).
- Finally, train tickets. I'm figuring out the best and cheapest way to go to Venice with my g/f.

What about you all ?
Trolls: of course you could spoil this thread by answering nonsense or telling us you hate studying and about your fascinating nerd life. But please don't.