What's YOUR age?

What's your age?

  • 0-10

  • 11-20

  • 21-30

  • 31-40

  • 41-50

  • 51-60

  • 61-70

  • 71-80

  • 81-90

  • 91-100+

Results are only viewable after voting.


To see which is the average age here at macosx.com, i thought of a Poll! Now here it is.

(post a reply with your age.)

Real age: 31
Mac age: let's see, we had Apple ][s in my 9th grade computer class...we were all writing BASIC back then (and not well, I'll tell you that).

I bought my first Mac (PM 7200) 7 years ago, but have used it mostly for Internet access, and MS Office-type stuff...although I did have Macperl loaded and played with that a bit.

But OSX and my spankling new iBook changed all that...now I'm a Mac freak (like almost everyone else who frequents this site). And [PACINO] I'm just getting warmed up![/PACINO]

My OSX/iBook age is 4 months!

4 till 6 -> C64..uhm...user???
6 till 17 -> PC troll (allthough mainly using Linux/Unix)
17 till now -> Mac user (still using Linux on my PCs)

How exiced I was when I got my first 80286 with 20 megabytes HDD I doubled to 40...I thought "how should I ever get this HDD full?". DOS and Norton Commander, man, in these days, MS OSes rocked! I loved MS DOS and I still do. It is simple. It is fast. YOu can't do much with it, but what it can do, it does good. Good ol' times....

Used macs my whole life, as long as i could use a computer anyway. Had Apple ]['s in elementary school, then in like 5th grade they got a LC III and it was like christmas - it was the most high tech thing i'd ever seen - but we only had one. I got my first comp when Quadra's were top of the line, a 605 actually. Since then i've owned a Performa 6400/200, and now my G4. My school district has since gone to the dark side, as have my family, but I'm still hanging in there!
Just a question on the structure of the poll. Do you really expect responses from individuals 0 yrs of age? :) Yep, I'm a smart aleck. I can't help it.
Okay, I'm 34.

First time using a Mac was 1987 (Mac Plus as I recall). First time owning a Mac was 1989 (Mac SE). First time using a NeXTstation and a SPARCstation was 1992. First time using an SGI (Personal IRIS, IRIS Indigo, Indy and Crimson RealityEngine) was 1994. First time using a PC, 1994 with Linux and 1997 with Windows.
I'm 15, 16 in November. I've been using Macs all my life. My earliest memory is the glowing green screen of a computer.:D
22 years old. My family has used macs since I was 11, a used powerbook 140, or something like that along with aol too. :) After the powerbook 140 we bought a 6400, 6500, and PowerBook 3400 where I spent my impressionable years growing in the knowledge of the Mac OS. Since then I've been a die hard Mac fanatic, showing my dumb teachers how to do things, and now my supervisors at my job. Now I care for my own G4 400 AGP along with my family's snow iMac, my dad's PowerBook G4 bronze, and my sister's 6500, yep the same one....still running after all these years....actually the G4 is too albeit with Linux.

What a glorious life filled with Macs....those poor fools trapped in the PC world. You almost have to pity them.
