What's YOUR age?

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Originally posted by ksuther
Ok, who is 99+? Probably Herve

I'm 14, been using a Mac 11 years...

OK. WTF. You're 14??

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

You seem like you'd be so much older than 14 – something like 19 (well, that "much" is relative in this case). I would've never guessed.

I guess my "characteristics" of telling how old people are online really doesn't apply in this community.
Heh, I dont think we should be telling sim our ages he will never trust his judgement again. :D

I think a lot of people in this community are a lot more mature then others. Maybe mac people are in general more matur then PC users. Who knows.
22 years old, playing with windows since 14, started tinkering with linux when I was 19 and now run suse 7.2 and mandrake 8.0 on various dells. Have to admit I had no interest in Macs until OS X. Just bought a new powerbook and still learning to work with it.
Originally posted by simX

OK. WTF. You're 14??

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

You seem like you'd be so much older than 14 – something like 19 (well, that "much" is relative in this case). I would've never guessed.

I guess my "characteristics" of telling how old people are online really doesn't apply in this community.

Oh, simX would be surprised to know my age ;)

I share your opinions, gplex.
Originally posted by tabletop
I am 12 and I have 12 mac years also

I learned to use the mac at age 2.......... at least how to move the mouse...

i think the first thing you have to do is learn how to subtract.
I'm also 12 and have been using mac's since I was two, I think... My whole family shared a mac classic back then. Two seems to be a pretty popular age for learning to use a mac for all us lifers. :P I think we should make a thread about what your first mac was and what the first couple apps you used were (if you remember). The first couple apps I used were kidpix, a couple small games like battle chess and shuffle puck, and word.
Nah, vic, lots of consecutive time counts extra. :) Like overtime. So if I am on the computer for more than 40 hours per week, I get to count each hour after that as 1.5 hours. :D

So I have .... .... 2 years Mac experience, even though I just got my iMac last month. Or I just have less than a month...

Originally posted by nkuvu
...So I have .... .... 2 years Mac experience, even though I just got my iMac last month. Or I just have less than a month...
And if I own multiple Mac and work overtime do I get to count that time triple?
ok. NO! - there is NO OVERTIME! the is NO TRIPLETIME! ok? yeah. that's right! you heard me! LIVE WITH IT! ok. the years you used a mac are the years you used a mac. you can't bend and manipulate time. you can only bend and manipulate what you know or believe. in the real world overime affects your paycheck not your ability to time travel. am i clear?
Ok, so I believe that I know that I have worked on OS X for about two years, but my roommate has an iMac which she has had since December, so I guess I know that I believe that I might have three years experience with OS X... ;)

Sorry, vic, I'm just messing with you... :D
Well, for all of you WHO DON'T KNOW HOW TO READ MY SIGNATURE, I'm 15 :P

And I've owned a Mac for, ooh, 2 weeks? LOL

But I've used my dad's Powerbooks a bit since I was about 10.

He's had a 5 series, 2 G3s ( A wallstreet and a pismo) and he now has a TiBook.

Soon I shall buy my own iBook, seeing as my father 'owns' MY iMac (he argued that since he payed for it, it isn't mine) Bwa ha ha.
I am 52.

Got my first Mac in 1986 a MacPlus, before that I had a Vic 20.
I have had a IIci, 7300 and G3 Wallsteet. I am waiting for the G5.

I'm 30
I've been using the Mac since it's debut in 1984. I still own a good condition original Macintosh. (One of the first 100 off the line!)

I'm currently on my 5th and 6th Mac. I've also had an LC, a 7100, a PowerBook 540c, a G4 450, and an iMac DV 600. I currently still use three of those machines.

I also had an Apple ][e. And God forbid I mention my old IBM PC Junior, my Commodore64, and my TRS-80!

I also, uh, I'm ashamed to admit, an HP with WinXP on it. But it's just for my wife's nursing program, I promise!