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I believe you can use reverse osmosis for the distillation. As for shipping, just use forth class mail. Those who need it have been waiting this long, a few extra days won't matter.
Sounds good. And just as an aside, I'll sleep with a bottle under my pillow... so in addition to The What's Your Age? Thread Post by BlueFusion Dealing With Education in America, you'll also get, at no additional charge, a free sample of The Various Random 2 A.M. Thoughts and Dreams That BlueFusion Can't Make Sense Of in the Morning but that Seemed Really Logical at the Time™ :)

Wait a minute, fourth class mail? Whaa...?
I'm also including a sample of David-Michael is Late for School Again™ by Phil Tedeschi, English teacher at the Calhoun School. :)
Hah! That's rich!

Now get to class!!!!!

(I'd better get goin' too. I have a class to teach.)
Originally posted by Bluefusion
Adults seem to always say that I'm a genius, and I don't really know what to think when I hear that... maybe I am at communicating and generalized creativity, but I certainly don't think I'm good at math or science... so in terms of the traditional education-oriented approach it just doesn't seem like I'm all that smart. I think the problem is that schools are training people to be analytical and consistent, neither of which is a bad thing, but at the cost of excluding every other useful personality trait it makes the whole thing a lot worse. Everyone who simply passes the tests passes school, and so when you're all done with school, who are you? A person who passed tests. Yes, we need some people like that, but we also need people who have discovered the world on their own outside of the 8-to-3 class day.

I just think we need to work on establishing genuine INTEREST in life. That, more than anything else, is what I think is wrong with the country, honestly.

I actually wrote about 1/3 page about this, the general school system, and how it does not work as it should in the local newspaper when I was 11, at the same time when I published my own newspaper and actually made some money and fun out of that. I got very varied response. My teacher took it as a personal attack by some reason and didn't handle it very well (I never liked her, and she never quite liked me, I think, because I was one of the few pupils with my own opinions and points of view), while others, both teachers, parents and pupils on other schools thought it was unbelieveable how an 11 years old could write such a good, well-formulated article. I would be glad to post it here, but it's in norwegian ;)

I think it's wrong to learn everything with books, which we read at school while the teacher is describing, showing and teaching, for then to do exercises from the text and answer questions. Then read it once more or two at home, even if you think it's boring and completely uninteresting or useful, before a test. How well you do, is decided from how well you did it on the test. After a couple of days most of it is forgotten if you're not interested in the material you are trying to learn. We humans are in that way. We only learn if we're interested and enjoy it, or if we experience it ourselves. Therefore the school should be more practical, and also allow pupils to decide for themselves what to focus most on, and what to work more with.
Now I'm 13.
Oh, dear... I seem to leave a trail of people writing long, interesting ideas... first the "What's Your Opinion About MacWarez?" thread and now this...! Well, that's a good thing.

KSV, I have had much the same thing happen to me. The thing is that many, many people aren't willing to accept new ideas and seem to think that everything is just peachy if it all stays the same (this is exactly why there ARE so many PCs around)... therefore, I've honestly stopped sharing ideas with people I know... I write a lot of random things sort of like this... one time when I was really angry at my school for not giving me any kind of leeway in light of the 9/11 attacks (which happened less than 600 feet from my bedroom window, fortunately I wasn't there at the time...), expecting me back in school and concentrating on mind-numbingly boring schoolwork as if nothing had happened, I wrote a long angry note sort of rambling to myself about this kind of thing. I never sent it to anyone, though... but in any case, I've had much the same experience as you, KSV, and the only way I get around it is to write on my own, outside of school, and post it on my website (EnigmaZone.com, which is now defunct but will resurface as BlueFusionMedia.net when I have the time) since so few people I know even bother to read what I have to say.... :P

I think the teenage anger streak comes with the territory, huh?

Sorry for the rambling. It happens sometimes :P When I'm not focused and calm and analytical, I'm frenetic, angry and creative. It's always one or the other :)
Early twenties, but not too early, in fact more towards the middle. ;)

Well, in mac years I've been using one since age 7... Starting with a Mac 512k in 1986. That's 16 ;)

(Who said Mac was only 14 years old? According to my math Mac is 19...)

I used to do my homework as Hypercard slideshows... Well, that's one way to get an A+ back then. Apple IIe's were so "outdated" I used to have my parents bring the Mac into the school so that I could show the teacher my homework in the computer lab.

Before that I was using a Kaypro II.

That was a gem. :sarcasm:
27, Developmental Psychologist turned Systems Engineer/Administrator.

I went to School at the University of Minnesota, Department of Child Development. I studied Adolescent Psychopathology.

I moved to California and began tracking Hackers.

Natural Progression...

Why adults hate/fear teens. Well, it is really quite simple. The smart ones are being analytical, introspective, experimenting, and generally constructive. They are in museums, libraries, (gasp) class, doing some sport, being in some club. Some of them are working, or spending time with their famillies.

That is to say, they are not in the malls, on the streets, on the bus making noise, fighting, using LIKE, UM, DOOD, and a long string of other monsylabs.

The stereotypical teenager is spoiled, by bad parenting, overtaxed schools, underpaid teachers, weened on popular media. They are the ones we fear, they are the ones that we see all the time speaking incomprehensible slang, talking about TV, Models, Clothes, and all things consumer. They have no respect or responsibility. They are a burden to themselves. They go to business school, they go through the motions, they buy what the media tells them to, without questioning. The live in drivel until they see a shrink that is overloaded with cases, and subscribes to the wester ideology of cure the symptom, so we give them prozac and send the kids away.

These are a majority of the teenagers. These are those whom leave the negative impression of kids in society today. This is why the smart ones are depressed, because they don't fit.

The good news, the smart, depressed kids that don't fit in... Well, they live happily ever after. The others, just kind of drone on in drivel until they get fat and die of heart failure.

I don't have a general idea about why adults hate teens, but I know why some websites hate them. Most hackers are teens. :)
I wish I hadn't strayed into this thread - I feel very, very old. Not (quite) 90-100, but coming up to UK pension age.:eek: Am I the only old crone, or are the others too embarrassed to own up (I include old geezers in that)?

Been using Macs since 1985 - anyone remember the 'tour' that taught you how to use a mouse and how to double click?! Before that it was an Amstrad WP and a ZX81 ... and before that I worked at a place where the floor had to be reinforced to put in its first computer, which took up a whole room and had to be coddled like a baby.
born in '65
2-3 Mac years...
How come it only seems like yesterday that I saw my 1st happy mac but I feel like I've been a Mac user forever?

I am always amazed when I find out someones real age online, some of you have experience beyond your years
and other's like me are still wet behind the ears
27. When I was 18 I started out on a Pentium 133MHz processor running Win95 with 32MB of RAM and I thought that thing was a killer machine. I hacked a lot of people, then I grew up got married and made my daughter Rachel, who is 2 and a half years old. I got my first Mac about 5 years ago; the Beige G4 with that cool fold down side. Now I have the new G4 which sounds like it has a twin engine Cessna turbo prop inside it, and it also has a cool fold down side panel.

I gave up windows permanently on December 19th, 2002. RIP