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Oh my god, I'm ancient. 34. 34!!
But only 1 in mac years, so look after me
EDIT: and a bit slow on the uptake too....just realised most of this thread is four years old. I blame the fading eyesight
easterhay said:
Oh my god, I'm ancient. 34. 34!!

But hey, you could all be really old and fibbing to cover up the wrinkles.

...and I'm only 1 in mac years, so look after me

Don't feel too bad.....I'll be 34 in December. :p

Boy, do I remember the days of the Commodore 64 and the Apple II. Those were great times... <rocking back and forth in rocking chair>

nixgeek said:
Boy, do I remember the days of the Commodore 64 and the Apple II.

Ahhh, the Apple II - makes me want a glass of Lemonade just thinking about it!

Tsk, I call myself a switcher, but our first computer at home was an Apple II.

Really got the piss taken out of me at school for having a computer named after a piece of fruit.
...and I just turned 70, according to my Post Age at least.
Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me.....!
easterhay said:
Ahhh, the Apple II - makes me want a glass of Lemonade just thinking about it!

Tsk, I call myself a switcher, but our first computer at home was an Apple II.

Really got the piss taken out of me at school for having a computer named after a piece of fruit.

Back then, claiming to use ANY computer would have gotten you an atomic wedgie. :rolleyes:
nixgeek said:
Back then, claiming to use ANY computer would have gotten you an atomic wedgie. :rolleyes:

Ah, the atomic wedgie. Brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it.
Nostalgia - ain't what it used to be
28 i b. oregon trail was the end all of games on the apple][. we'd do want ever it took to be able to play in, in 3rd grade. i became a mac guy 100% my fresh year in hs. and according to my dad, went downhill from there.
There was some text-only adventure game we used to play on the Apple II where I always got lost in 'A twisting maze of winding passageways', which became "A winding maze of twisting passageways" and other such infuriating combinations. Normally resulted in me swearing at the machine and going outside to play in the sandpit.
I never was a gifted gamer.
The name 'Zork' doesn't ring a bell, but we are talking about a l-o-n-g time ago (prehistory for most of the early posters in this thread). 1979...? Perhaps - shit, I don't remember what year it was. Too much Merlot I'm afraid.
Oh. It's towel day. :) :) :)

I'm 31 currently. 19 years of using Macs. Went through C64, Atari ST, Amiga and Windows, too. Powermac: Your PB ain't 15', it's 15", probably. ;)