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CaptainQuark said:
Well I'm on the British/European side, which, of course, is the RIGHT side of the Atlantic – both physically and in any other way you would care to look at it!

Also known as the rainy side or - appropos the thread title - the old side.
CaptainQuark said:
Well I'm on the British/European side, which, of course, is the RIGHT side of the Atlantic – both physically and in any other way you would care to look at it!
It's too bad you people on the "right" side of the pond couldn't be consistent and drive on that side as well!
ElDiabloConCaca said:
It's too bad you people on the "right" side of the pond couldn't be consistent and drive on that side as well!
Ahhh, I've heard it is because the UK was never conquered by Napoleon. :D

I don't know whether it is an urban myth, but I heard it used to be common to ride on the left (keeping the right arm free for using a sword), but Napoleon wanted to stamp his authority on conquered countries and so made them ride on the right.

Out of curiosity, don't people in Japan drive on the left too?
Uh huh... sure, just keep coming up with excuses there. "Right" this, "right" that, now you Europeans are justifying the "left." Pick a friggin' side already! :P

Yes, but Japan is so far "right" it might as well be "left." Plus I don't see any Japanese members here jockeying for position... ;)
nixgeek said:
Well, if you're talking about me that goes without saying....I thought I made that clear enough in my 4000-or-so postings. :p

Well, I was refering to TV comedy, not specificaly to you ;)

American TV comedy sucks! British comedy rules! :D
Esquilinho said:
Well, I was refering to TV comedy, not specificaly to you ;)

American TV comedy sucks! British comedy rules! :D

I know, I was just joking around....so much for my brand of American humor. :p
bbloke said:
Ahhh, I've heard it is because the UK was never conquered by Napoleon. :D

I don't know whether it is an urban myth, but I heard it used to be common to ride on the left (keeping the right arm free for using a sword), but Napoleon wanted to stamp his authority on conquered countries and so made them ride on the right.

Out of curiosity, don't people in Japan drive on the left too?

Yes, but if I remember my Samurai movies correctly, they strike from the left.
UK: Fawlty Towers (before each episode the sign leading to the hotel has been changed around..."F#rty Warts"). Classic
USA: The Honeymooners: Episode 30: "The Kramdens and Nortons visit the Weedemeyers and Ralph and Ed go ga-ga over Rita."
bbloke said:
Out of curiosity, don't people in Japan drive on the left too?

Yes. It was easier going to the left (I lived three years in Japan) than it was coming back to the U.S. and going back to the right. I scared the heck out of my older brother.:eek:
i will be a young 63.....and have only owned a mac but i have only ...used a
computer for 3 years and i still no nothing.. but i still love my mac. and because of all the help i get here....i am learning lol.. so thanks for all of your help......cleo
Never seen this thread before. What happened to all those contributors from 2002. Where have the gone? Have they changed their handles or just disappeared into the ether?
Some were still around till more recently, like themacko, TommyWillB, I think WDW dropped in briefly not so long ago. These sites normally seem to have a 'real' hardcore who are here for the long term, then a slow turnover of medium term/frequent posters whop hang around for a year or three then things change and they don't come around so much. For instance, Arden seemed surgically attached to the site but college and a girlfriend means he only reappears for occasional cameos now.

So it goes..... :)