Originally posted by ElDiabloConCaca
Ok, true, out of pocket costs for starting a business aren't as simple as I made them out to be -- it was a severly abbreviated scenario of how one goes about it... I couldn't possibly explain, even in simple terms, how one goes about that and factoring costs and what-not in this forum -- it would simply go on too long. My point was that a poor college student with less than $10 in his pocket needn't venture into the business world expecting to use the same software that large corporations do. You have more money, you are able to afford more expensive stuff. You have less money, you'll have to do with... well, less.
And I think we are stuck on our definitions of a capitalist society. I don't think the government is there to provide in that sense. I think the government is there to make sure that Joe Microsoft doesn't pull out the brass knuckless and beat Joe Regular into bankruptcy when Joe regular isn't looking. The goverment, in my opinion, is there to sit and observe dutifully with arms folded until someone does something wrong. This is only in a capitalistic sense, though -- let's not get started on welfare, health care, etc... I have different opinions on those.
I think the goverment should provide an ATMOSPHERE that is conducive and hospitable to business. I don't think the government is under any obligation to help Joe Poor become Joe Rich, or Joe Smallbiz become Joe Bigbiz. That is up to the respective people and talents and brains to determine how far they wish or can go. I think the government is there to ensure that Joe Poor can make a living without Joe Rich taking over and putting him out of business. Likewise and similarly, Joe Smallbiz should be able to do a profitable business at the same time Joe Bigbiz is, in the same area of business (although the profit Smallbiz sees will be smaller than the profit Bigbiz sees -- capitalism!) The goverment is there to make sure Joe Bigbiz doesn't attain that name by stepping on and squashing Joe Smallbizs along the way. That's my view.
Maybe we do see this similarly -- and we were just approaching it from VERY different angles. I just live to believe that people should take care of themselves -- if you can't afford Photoshop, don't pirate it. Don't whine about it. Don't pout. Change something in your life -- do something differently -- work harder -- make more money -- then go out and buy it. If Adobe wanted EVERYONE to have PhotoShop, or their target market was EVERYONE with a computer, they'd have priced it accordingly (how's a buck sound?). But, time, effort, and $700 worth of blood, sweat and tears went into developing it, and they're getting their due out of it.
I'm sure we'll all have different opinions about QuarkXPress... hehe... and I'll play the devil's advocate on that one, too -- I like Quark. I paid for it. Took me a year to save for it, but I got it and I like it. I wish it cost less, but it doesn't. Ho-hum, bummer. Can't get something for nothing these days. And I'm not going to enter into the InDesign/Pagemaker vs. Quark debate. I've got all three and like all three.